Subject: Zoology I

Scientific Area:



68 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand and apply the concepts and zoological terms;
2 - Understand animal diversity through the anatomy, morphology, physiology and development;
3 - Identify the major group of animals and place them in the animal classification according to the body plan and the main morphological and biological characteristics;
4 - Recognize the different evolutionary trends that enabled the establishment of different animal archetypes and evolutionary relationships among the major groups;
5 - Understanding the adaptations of animals to different ecosystems and the phenomena that have shaped their evolution;
6 - Observe, record, describe, compare, and make inferences in a scientific way;
7 - Express fluently, with diverse and specific vocabulary domain;
8 - Be able to analyze and synthesize;
9 - Develop critical thinking and organization of ideas;;
10 - Respect animals and their environment.


1 - Chapter 1. Introduction to Zoology
2 - Chapter 2. Protista: SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolata, Rhizaria), Discoba, Metamonada e Amorphea
3 - Chapter 3. Porifera; Ctenophora.
4 - Chapter 4. Placozoa; Cnidaria; Xenacoelomorpha: Xenoturbellida e Acoelomorpha
5 - Chapter 5. Spiralia : Gnathifera: Chaetognatha, Gnathostomulida, Micrognathozoa e Rotifera
6 - Chapter 6. Spiralia: Platytrochozoa: Rouphozoa: Gastrotricha e Platyhelminthes
7 - Chapter 7. Spiralia: Platytrochozoa: Lophotrochozoa: Mollusca
8 - Chapter 8. Spiralia: Platytrochozoa: Lophotrochozoa: Annelida
9 - Chapter 9. Spiralia: Orthonectida e Dicyemida; Platytrochozoa: Cycliophora; Lophotrochozoa: Nemertea, Bryozoa, Entoprocta, Brachiopoda e Phoronida
10 - Chapter 10. Ecdysozoa: Nematoida: Nematoda e Nematomorpha
11 - Chapter 11. Ecdysozoa: Loricifera, Kinorhyncha e Priapulida; Panarthropoda: Tardigrada, Onychophora
12 - Chapter 12. Ecdysozoa: Panarthropoda: Arthropoda


Archibald, et al, (eds.) , 2017 , Handbook of the Protists , Springer International Publishing
Brusca, R. C. & Brusca, G. J. , 2016 , Invertebrates, 3rd edition , Oxford University Press
Giribet, G., & Edgecombe, G. D. , 2020 , The invertebrate tree of life , Princeton University Press.
Hickman et al. , 2020 , Integrated Principles of Zoology, 18th Edition, , MacGrawHill
Moore J. , 2006 , An introduction to the Invertebrates. 2ª ed. , Cambridge University Press
Vargas P. & Zardoya R. (eds). , 2014 , The tree of life , Sinauer

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Consistency follows from the connection between course content and objectives to be developed. Through the established objectives it is intended that students acquire the skills necessary for invertebrate zoology of their professional development as future biologists. Through a theoretical and practical approach, the various chapters allow students to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes. The contents of all chapters of the program will contribute to the knowledge of biological concepts and terms (objective 1), to understand the animal diversity (Objective 2), to identify the major groups of animals (objective 3), to recognize the different evolutionary trends (Objective 4) and phenomena that have shaped its evolution (Objective 5). The practical activities to develop in addition to the objectives of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Assessment: 50% theory exam, 30% practice exam and 10% work. The assignments can be recovered but not the work