Subject: Pottery

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To provide the essential knowledge (theoretical and practical) for introducing the traditional "fire techniques" through the explanation of the contents considered relevant for knowledge and basic mastery of this area.
2 - Provide content and practical knowledge, in a modern context, and an artistic approach (non-industrial) in a practical exploration of plastic potentialities of matter and techniques.
3 - Develop an own expression according to the sensitivity of individual creativity and potentialities of the plastic materials
4 - Develop minimum knowledge about the matter in question and its multiple aspects.
5 - Reveal a mastery of different modeling techniques, finishing and decoration in the ceramic work.


1 - Pottery:
1.1 - As a piece or artistic element / decorative element (erudite or popular)
1.2. - - In the global historical context. - How functional piece / utility object.
2 - Characterization / classification of different types of pottery
2.1 - Concerning the origin and composition, Concerning the treatment and decoration.
3 - The clays: - Different types of clay. - Generic characteristics.
3.1 - - Concerning the origin and composition. - ? Concerning the treatment.
4 - - modeling techniques, different techniques for manual modeling. -- The single production object.
4.1 - molding / molding by liquid and paste. - the (multiple) artistic, not industrial, object of production.
5 - Surface treatment / complementary techniques or finishing techniques.
5.1 - The Engobes: - The addition of earths and coloring oxides to the base clay
5.1.2 - The application of the engobes: - different processes.
5.2 - The glazing. - function, composition and modes of application.
5.3 - Other finishing techniques: - Brush / polish, carve print, sgraffi
6 - Drying: Processes and care
7 - Firing: - Ovens and muffles. - temperature programming. - equipment and handling


MIDGLEY, Barry , 1982 , Guia Completo de Escultura, Modelado y Cerâmica. Técnicas e Materiales , H. Blume Ediciones
COTTIER-ANGELI,Fiorella , 1974 , La Cerâmica , Ediciones Rufino Torres
LEACH, Bernard , 1981 , Manual do Ceramista , Editorial Blume
FAGUNDES,Arlindo , 1997 , Manual Prático de Introdução à Cerâmica , Editorial Caminho
CHAVARRIA, Joaquim , 1997 , Cerâmica , Editorial Estampa
NAVARRO, M. Pilar , 1997 , A Decoração de Cerâmica , Editorial Estampa
CHAPELET, Jerome , La Poterie , Editions Chiron
SETC , 1985 , Casa Museu Frederico de Freitas - Azulejos , DRAC
BENINI, Mirella , Cerâmica do Renascimento , Editorial Presença
COOPER, Emmanuel / ROYLE, DerecK , 1984 , Glazes for the Studio Potter , BT Bastsford Ltd
MONTI, Franco , Terracote Precolombiane´ , Fratelli Fabri Editori
MANGAZZINI, Paolino , Cerâmica Grega , Fratelli Fabri Editori
T. Préaud , S. Gautier , 1982 , Ceramics of the 20th Century ,
W. Ruscoe , , 1948 , A Manual for the ,
Frike, Johan , 1978 , A Cerâmica ,
Chavarria, Joaquim , 1989 , Aula de Cerâmica, Esmaltes ,
Chavarria, Joaquim , 2000 , Aula de cerâmica, Moldes ,
Chavarria, Joaquim , 1999 , Aula de cerâmica, Olaria ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Exposure of theoretical concepts by watching some illustrative material about the subject matter. Provide the expected basic knowledge, complemented with T and TP information. Provide the experimentation and practice of some exerc. to better capture and learning of knowledge and provided for in the content matter. Bibliog. recommendations or other appropriate consultations. Any study visits to such ideal conditions are met, such as the museums or other places suitable for the field of study. The evaluation will be regularly using the development and presentation of practical work complemented with doing reports through which the student must show knowledge of the subject matter as well as other skills required in this course. There will also be a continuous appreciation in the evaluation process, by observing in class the work developed by the student throughout the semester. Periodic Av. 75%; Invest. work 15%; Continuous Av. 10%. At the time of appeal, the matter of 90% of classif.