Subject: Laboratory of Visual Arts III

Scientific Area:



80 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - In this course the student should:
1.1 - Know the current productions in the area of photography in the context of Contemporary Art.
1.2 - Understand the different elements that structure the subjects and the photographic languages in the artistic scope.
1.3 - Show a technical understanding in the combination between the two and three-dimensional expression media and the photograph, as well as its relation with the surrounding space (inside the black-box or in open space).
1.4 - Apply in a creative and articulated way the various formats and plastic languages, expressed in the results of the practical work.


1 - Photography and experimentation: proximity to the artistic movements of the 20th century (Dadaism, Futurism, Surrealism and Constructivism). The Street-photography.
2 - Photography and Contemporary Art (history, memory, body, identity and everyday life).
3 - Analysis of artists portfolio.
4 - Formal experimentation: Photomontage and mixed processes.
5 - Photography in a hybrid context: image as object and immaterial image; From slideshow to installation.


Bate, David , 2009 , Photography. The key Concepts , Berg
Barthes, Roland , 1984 , Mitologias , Edições70
Benjamin, Walter , 2012 , Sobre Arte, Técnica, Linguagem e Política , Relógio d?Água
Berger, John , 2018 , Modos de Ver , Antígona
Bourriaud, Nicolas , 2005 , Postproduction: Culture as Screenplay: How Art Reprograms the World , Lukas & Sternberg
Coccia, Emanuele , 2017 , O Bem nas Coisas. A Publicidade como Discurso Moral , Documenta
Cotton, Charlotte , 2004 , The Photography as Contemporary Art , Thames and Hudson
Elkins, James , 2011 , What Photography is , Routledge
Gefter, Phillip , 2009 , Photography after Frank , Aperture
Lipovetsky, Gilles , 2015 , Os Tempos Hipermodernos , Edições70
Lipovetsky, Gilles , 2014 , O Capitalismo Estético na Era da Globalização , Edições70
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice , 2013 , O Olho e o Espírito , Nova Vega
Oliveira, Nicolas , 1997 , Installation Art , Thames and Hudson
Rancière, Jacques , 2017 , O Espectador Emancipado , Orfeu Negro
Trachtenberg, Alan , 2013 , Ensaios sobre Fotografia , Orfeu Negro
Trodd, Tamara , 2011 , Screen/Space : The Projected Image in Contemporary Art , Manchester University Press
Wells, Liz , 2002 , Photography: The Reader , Routledge

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Expositive method and demonstrative method related to the multiple aspects, both expressive and technical, of the C U. Methodology of practical experimentation. Ii will be provided the basic knowledge of the techniques and materials inherent to the practice of photography in its various contexts, as well as the visualization of exemplifying material, providing the student:- Exercises and proposals of work that lead to the experimentation of the topics stated in the program. - Encouraging research on the subjects under study, using bibliographical recommendations in specific areas. - Study visits to temporary or permanent exhibitions that fit the themes under study. Evaluation: Continuous evaluation: 10%: individualized pedagogical and didactic accompaniment and balance at the end of each work proposal. Periodic evaluation: work / exercise proposals: analysis of the phases of the work, research and experimentation. Set of Practical Exercises: 20%; Work Proposal: 30%; Final Work: 40%.