Subject: Digital Visual Communication

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - This course has as main objective to study the concept of image in its different perspectives, taking into account essentially: the processes of visual perception, image and representation, the plastic elements structuring the image and the various typologies about the same.
2 - The student should be able to contextualize the problems of image in contemporary culture and the complex relationships between culture and varied imagery and new.
3 - Cultural interfaces. Secondly, and more specifically aims to introduce the elements of language, technical and production methodologies necessary for an understanding and application of knowledge in the field of visual communication creative.
4 - The student should be able to develop projects that pass through the elementary processing digital image files, as well as designing content messages (audio) visual in the digital environment.


1 - Study of visual perception and its neuro-visual phenomena.
2 - The Gestalt laws of perception.
3 - Language of visual communication and construction of a visual rhetoric
4 - Introduction to digital image manipulation and construction software
5 - Introduction to digital image manipulation and construction software


DONDIS, D. A , 1976 , La sintaxis de la imagen. Introducción al alfabeto visual, , Gustavo Gili
J Berger , 1982 , "Modos de ver" , Edições 70
JOLY, Martine , 1999 , Introdução à análise da imagem , Edições 70
JOLY, Martine , 2002 , A imagem e os signos , Edições 70
PLATÃO , 2002 , Alegoria da Caverna (Livro VII de A República), , Esquilo
SCHAEFFER, J-M , 1996 , A Imagem Precária , Papirus
HUYGUE, René , 2009 , O Poder da Imagem , Edições 70
KANDINSKY, W , 1970 , Ponto, linha e plano , Edições 70
FRANCASTEL, P , 1987 , Imagem, visão e imaginação , Edições 70
VILLAFAÑE, J , 2001 , Introducción a la teoría de la imagen , Ed. Pirámide
GROUPE µ , 2011 , Tratado del signo visual , Cátedra
AUMONT, J , 1990 , La Imagen , Paidós
BAUDRILLARD, J , 1991 , Simulacros e simulações , Relógio d Água
DARLEY, A , 2002 , Cultura visual digital , Paidós Comunicación
EVANS, Jessica; HALL, Stuart , 1999 , Visual culture: The Reader , Laurence King Publishing
Butler, Connie et ali , 2009 , Compass in Hand: Assesing Drawing Now, Selections from the Judith Rothschild Foudation Contemporary Drawings Collection, , Christian Rattemeyer Edition.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching methodology combines knowledge of a conceptual and theoretical nature, with its practical application in the proposed works. It is intended to maintain a dialogic methodology that encourages the construction of an articulated discourse and thought. The evaluation is continuous, supported by the performance and presentation of exercises, mini projects and critical analyzes of scientific articles related to the themes. The amount of work per semester may vary. The percentage of each assessment element will depend on the number of exercises proposed per semester, never exceeding the maximum of 45% per element. The continuous evaluation will always have a percentage of not less than 10%.