Subject: Social Media Management

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Describe the history of social media;
2 - Identify and characterise the existing types of social networks;
3 - Plan, execute and report on a social media strategy.
4 - Design and manage the online presence of organisations by developing content strategies


1 - Social media: history and critical concepts
2 - Characterisation: producers, consumers, main flows and life cycle.
3 - Communication Strategy in Social Media
4 - Techniques and tools
5 - Communication Principles and Content Creation


Fuchs, Christian , 2014 , Social Media- a critical introduction , London: SAGE
Marques, Vasco , 2016 , Redes Sociais 360- como comunicar online , Lisboa: Actual Editora
Mateus, Samuel , 2012 , Social Networks Scopophilic Dimension- social beloging through spectatorship, in Special Issue `Networked belonging and networks of Belonging ,
Mendes, Ana , 2019 , Gestão de Redes Sociais para Empresas , Lisboa: Marcador
Rez, Rafael , 2018 , Marketing de Conteúdo- a moeda do séc. XXI , Lisboa: Marcador

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The Curricular Unit assumes a theoretical and practical character where students will have to regularly present empirical works that reflect the theoretical knowledge taught. The classes, based on interactive and participatory methods, will give the students critical reflection and social network management skills that will enable them to adopt different communicational profiles and to carry out various exercises according to the intended objectives. Learning is carried out predominantly on an individual basis although, occasionally, group work may be required. Written Test (50%) and Social Media Communication Strategy (50%)