Subject: European Studies

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Diachronic analysis of the formation of the idea of Europe: from classical antiquity to the present day;
2 - Knowing the cultural heritage of Europe;
3 - Distinguish and characterize the key moments of social, political and cultural development of Europe;
4 - Ability to assess the post-war time and building a European community: challenges, problems, successes and failures.
5 - The students should have the competence to: understanding the evolution of the idea of Europe from antiquity to the present day; understanding Classical Antiquity as a cultural root of Europe; meet Europe between the Middle Ages and the nineteenth century: major social, political and cultural events; identify the reasons for European integration; identify and discuss the challenges of our Europe;


1 - Introduction to the Idea of Europe;
1.1 - Europe in texts of Middle Age, Renaissance, Modern Period, XX-XXI centuries;
2 - Europe in Antiquity (Greece).
2.1 - Myth of Europe;
2.2 - Definition of Europe;
2.3 - Evolution of Europe representation;
2.4 - Greeks, Europe and the Other;
2.5 - Medo-Persian Wars;
2.6 - The Greek legacy.
3 - Europe in Antiquity (Rome).
3.1 - The Roman Empire and Europe;
3.2 - Construction and fall of the Western Roman Empire;
3.3 - The Roman legacy.
4 - Judeo-Christian roots.
5 - Middle ages and Europe.
5.1 - The figure of Charlemagne;
5.2 - The Papal Revolution;
5.3 - The crusades;
5.4 - The feudalism;
5.5. - The major cultural events;
6 - Renaissance and the transformations.
6.1 - Humanism;
6.2 - Reformation and Counter-Reformation;
6.3 - The exercise of poewer.
7 - The Modern Period: the main social, political, and cultural change in Europe.
8 - European twentieth century: major transformations operated from 1914 to 1945.
9 - Post-war and the construction of the EU
9.1 - The main stages of Europe construction;
9.2 - The main stages of European integration;
10 - Oral presentation of research papers.


GRAÇA MOURA, Vasco , 2013 , A Identidade Cultural Europeia , Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos
G. Steiner , 2005 , A ideia de Europa , Gradiva
J. Pinheiro, J. Ribeiro Ferreira, N. Castro Soares & R. Marnoto , 2011 , Caminhos de Plutarco na Europa , Classica Digitalia, Coimbra
SOUSA, J. M. , 2015 , Ideologia e Europa , Empresa Letras de Coragem Lda
L. Febvre , 2001 , A Europa: Génese de uma Civilização , Editorial Teorema
LOURENÇO, Eduardo , 1994 , A Europa desencantada: Para uma mitologia europeia , Lisboa: Visão
A. Guerrina , 2002 , Europe: History, Ideas and Ideologies , London: Arnold
A. Goldsworthy , 2010 , O Fim do Império Romano , Esfera dos Livros
A. Maalouf , 2002 , As identidades assassinas , Difel
C. E. Manfred (coord.) , 1999 , O Património Espiritual da Europa , Edições Cosmos
E. Hobsbawn , 1998 , A questão do nacionalismo. Nações e nacionalismos desde 1780 , Terramar
M. Ribeiro , 2003 , A ideia de Europa, , Quarteto
M. L. B. Pires (coord.) , 2001 , Estudos Europeus , Universidade Aberta
M. Ribeiro (coord.) , 2002 , Identidade e Multiculturalismo , Quarteto
M.T. Bitsch , 2004 , Histoire de la construction européenne , Complexe
N. Campos, A. Sobrinho (Dir.) , 2001 , 50 Anos de Europa: os grandes textos da construção europeia , Gabinete em Portugal do Parlamento Europeu
T. Judt , 2012 , Uma grande ilusão? Um ensaio sobre a Europa , Edições 70

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The methodology is focused on the presentation and discussion of the syllabus. Moreover, from texts, students should know how to develop argumentative skills through interventions in the classroom and prepare for the written and oral assessments. Are also invited to seek information to increase the level of knowledge about the contents that are analyzed in class. The assessment consists of the combination of two tests, with value of 35% + 35% of the assessment for the application of skills related to writing and research work (paper), requiring a document with 8 pages and their oral presentation in class (30%). This research is oriented by the professors and is performed by a group of 2 students. Each group has 20 minutes for the presentation.