Subject: Political Studies

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Diachronic analysis of Western political thought: from Classical Antiquity to our days.
2 - To study and interpret the main political theories.
3 - To understand the idea of power throughout history.
4 - To interpret critically some main political facts of current affairs.
5 - To identify and characterize ideas and political theories, as well political systems.
6 - Initiation of research in political matters.


1 - General introduction of politics and political phenomena. Politics and the citizen. Politics and communication.
2 - Politics as science: definition and problems.
3 - Politics in Antiquity. Greco-Roman political thought; politeia and polites;politeia and nomos; political forms; the ideal of freedom; the Roman political-administrative organization; meaning of being political in Greco-Roman culture.
4 - Utopia, ethics and politics in Classical Antiquity.
5 - Politics in the Middle Ages. The Citizen and the State. Politics and Religion.
6 - Politics in the Renaissance.
7 - The Prince of Machiavelli.
8 - The Christian Prince of Erasmus.
9 - Utopia as politics in the XV-XVII centuries.
10 - Reform and politics.
11 - Politics according to Suarez, Bodin, Hobbes.
12 - Politics in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
13 - Politics in the twentieth century; politics, culture and the economy; the rule of law; political pluralism; totalitarianism; democracy.
14 - The current challenges of politics and its actors.
15 - Oral presentation of research papers.


Stephen Salkever , 2009 , The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Political Thought , Cambridge
Web ressources , Recursos electrónicos a indicar. ,
WEIL, E. , 1990 , Filosofia Política , S. Paulo: Ed. Loyola
Ball,Terence & Bellamy, Richard (eds.) , 2006 , The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Tought , Cambridge University Press
Della Porta, D. , 2003 , Introdução à Ciência Política , Estampa
McClelland, J.S. , 2005 , A history of western political thought , Routledge
Pisier, Évelyne , 2012 , Histoire des idées politiques , PUF
Raybal, J.-J. , 2020 , Histoire des Grands Courants de la Pensée Politique , Hachette
Skinner, Q. , 1978 , The Foundations of Modern Political Thought , Cambrige University Press
Vergnières, S. , 1995 , Éthique et Politique Chez Aristote , Presses Universitaires de France
Sokolon, M. K , 2006 , Political Emotions. Aristotle and the Symphony of Reason and Emotion , llinois University Press

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The methodology is focused on the presentation and discussion of the syllabus. Moreover, from texts, students should know how to develop argumentative skills through interventions in the classroom and prepare for the written and oral assessments. Are also invited to seek information to increase the level of knowledge about the contents that are analyzed in class. The assessment consists of the combination of two tests, with value of 35% + 30% of the assessment for the application of skills related to writing and research work (paper), requiring a document with 8 pages and their oral presentation in class (35%). This research is oriented by the professor and is performed by a group of 2 students. Each group has 20 minutes for the presentation. Still on the evaluation, I add that students must have a minimum frequency of 70% of classes.