Subject: Oenogastronomy and Traditions

Scientific Area:

Hotels and Restaurants


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Contextualization of the evolution of 'gastronomy' and 'cuisine', from Classical Antiquity to our days, with the identification of the main sources;
2 - Reflection on the value of 'food' and its cultural and economic dimension;
3 - The tradition of the banquet and table;
4 - Identify, throughout history, the main sources related to food and health;
5 - Know the historical-cultural perspectives about the drink (water, wine and others);
6 - Acquire general knowledge of viticulture and oenology, the influence of the soil-climatic conditions where the vines are inserted in the type of wines produced;
7 - Know and identify the types of winemaking, the constituents of wine and the "terroir" concept;
8 - Know how to ground the advice of a wine, relating the type of food and its confection with the characteristics of wines;
9 - Know how to identify and decide which wines are most suitable and make correct decisions regarding stock and turnover;
10 - Know the steps of the process of winemaking.


1 - Synthesis of the main Western sources on gastronomy.
2 - Study of the food from the Classical Antiquity to our days.
3 - Relationship between food and health; the drink and the practices.
4 - Food contexts (space, culture, religion).
5 - Basic notions of viticulture and "terroir" - history, soil, climate, culture and human intervention.
6 - Basic notions of Oenology - grape varieties, grape constituents, maturation, vinification, treatments, aging, stabilization and bottling.
7 - Quality control and the most common defects in wines.
8 - Types of wines and their classification.
9 - The Wine Country.
10 - Basic notions of Organoleptic Tasting - tools, steps and specific vocabulary.
11 - The World Wine Panorama.
12 - Relation of the gastronomic habits of the various Regions with the type of wines that traditionally accompany them.
13 - Reading of labels, their interpretation and related legislation.


Albino, A. , 2004 , A alimentação em Portugal- Culinária, Gastronomia, Restauração. , Lisboa: Editora ARESP
Soares, C. , 2016 , Arquéstrato, iguarias do mundo grego: guia gastronómico do Mediterrâneo Antigo , Universidade de Coimbra. Coimbra
Soares, C. , Pinheiro, J. , 2016 , Patrimónios alimentares de aquém e além-mar , Universidade de Coimbra. Coimbra
Afonso, J. , 2011 , Entender de Vinho , Editorial a Esfera dos Livros
García Soler, M. J. , 2001 , El arte de comer en la antigua Grecia , Madrid
Wilkins, J., Harvey, D., Dobson, M. (eds.) , 1995 , Food in Antiquity , Exeter
Soares, C. , 2010 , História da alimentação na Antiguidade Clássica: os primeiros livros de culinária ,
Curtis, R. , 2001 , Ancient food technology , Leiden, Brill
Kiple, K. F. , Ornelas, K. C. (eds.) , 1999 , The Cambridge History of food, Cambridge , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Casamayor, P. , 2013 , L'École de la dégustation , Editor Hachette Pratique
Dias Cardoso, A. , 2007 , O Vinho da Uva à Garrafa , Âncora Editora

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The methodology is centered in the exposition and discussion of the programmatic contents. In addition, through texts, students should be able to develop argumentative skills through classroom interventions and preparation for written and oral assessments. They are also invited to look for information to increase the level of knowledge about the contents that are analyzed in the classes. In the Enology component, there will be short films allusive to each theme, as well as study visits. The assessment consists of an exam, with a value of 50% of the assessment, for the application of writing skills, and a project (50%). The Time of Appeal consists of a written exam (100%) with contents of the theoretical component.

