Subject: Study of the Environment II

Scientific Area:

Environment Studies


63 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - 1. To develop the capacity to investigate, construct and organize knowledge about History and Geography in a systematized way;
2 - To recognize the main geographical characteristics of the Portuguese territory;
3 - Respect the territory and its planning;
4 - Communicate through cartographic language;
5 - To know the main phases of the historical evolution of Portugal;
6 - To value Portuguese cultural heritage from different eras;
7 - Develop critical thinking about the relationship between current and past events and processes;
8 - Understand the Portuguese cultural identity by developing a sense of belonging;
9 - Recognize the importance of knowledge of the Territory and History for the knowledge of oneself and those around him, developing attitudes of self-esteem and self-confidence;
10 - Carry out practical activities that mobilize historical and geographical information, making it compatible with the students' cognitive development and with the OCEPE and the 1st and 2nd CEB programs.


1 - The Portuguese Territory.
1.1 - Forms of relief.
1.2 - Climate
1.3 - Natural vegetation.
1.4 - Hydrographic network.
1.5 - Coastline.
1.6 - Population: demographic evolution and distribution.
2 - The Formation of Portugal.
2.1 - From the prehistoric spaces to the Muslim domain.
2.2 - The Reconquest
2.3 - The Portucalense County.
2.4 - From county to kingdom.
2.5 - Recognition of independence.
2.6 - Conquests and settlement.
2.7 - The definition of borders
3 - The Medieval Art
3.1 - The Romanic
3.2 - The Gothic art
4 - The Revolution of 1383-1385.
5 - The Portuguese Expansion: main stages. The Manueline Art.
6 - The Iberian Union the Restoration and the independence wars.
7 - Absolutism. The Baroque and Rococo Art.
8 - The Neoclassical Art.
9 - The Constitutional Monarchy. Opposition to the Constitutional Monarchy.
10 - The Republic.


Costa, J. P. O. , 2009 , Henrique, o Infante , Lisboa: A Esfera dos Livros
Costa, J. P. O. (Coord.) , 2014 , História da Expansão e do Império Português , Lisboa: A Esfera dos Livros
Dias, P. , 1999 , História da Arte Portuguesa no Mundo (1415-1822) , Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores
Matos, A. T. & Carneiro, R. (Coord.) , 2001 , Memória de Portugal: o milénio Português , Círculo de Leitores
Mattoso, J., Bello, D. & Daveau, S. , 1997 , Portugal: o sabor da terra , Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores
Mattoso, J. (Dir.) , 1993 , História de Portugal , Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores
Medeiros, C. A. , 2000 , Geografia de Portugal: ambiente natural e ocupação humana. Uma introdução , Lisboa: Estampa
Pereira, P. , 1995 , História da Arte Portuguesa , Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores
Ramos, R. , 2010 , História de Portugal 3.ª ed , Lisboa: A Esfera dos Livros
Ribeiro, O. , 1985 , A ilha da Madeira até meados do século XX: estudo geográfico , Lisboa: ICLP- Ministério da Educação
Ribeiro, O., Lautensach, H. & Daveau, S. , 1995 , Geografia de Portugal , Lisboa: Sá da Costa

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The Curricular Unit contains theoretical-practical components and tutorial orientation based on a methodology that promotes interdisciplinarity in view of the vast object of the Study of the Environment. The classes will have a theoretical and a practical component. The first one will be an exposition of the scheduled themes. The second one will result from the commented reading of previously distributed texts, individually or in groups. The evaluation will consist of a frequency (40%), a group work (40%) and an individual oral exam (20%). At the time of appeal it is 100% recoverable.