Subject: Biomechanics

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To acquire knowledge and competences in the Biomechanical scope that allows to analyse and to understand the human movement carried out in different contexts;
2 - To understand the importance and application of Biomechanics in sports training: at the level of training; of performance; of equipment development and of injury prevention;
3 - To promote the integration/mobilization of knowledge to intervene in the optimization of human movement, applying biomechanical knowledge;
4 - To promote a research attitude focused on information regarding the state of knowledge in Biomechanics and to be able to collect, select and analyse biomechanical data with a critical sense;
5 - To acquire the ability to reflect and work in a multidisciplinary team, respecting colleagues and their perspectives, showing ethical conduct and social responsibility;
6 - Knowing and presenting, with adequate argument, the analysis of human movement, based on the knowledge acquired.


1 - Fundamentals of Biomechanics
1.1 - Conceptual localization, concepts and terminologies
1.2 - Conceptual Supports
1.3 - Preliminary definitions for biomechanical analysis
2 - Biomechanical Elements of Description
2.1 - Mechanical bodies
2.2 - Body Representation - c.g. Scanning
2.3 - Rotating axes
2.4 - Kinematic Chains
2.5 - Basic elements for quantitative determination
2.6 - Generic characterization of translation and rotation movements
3 - Kinematic Elements for Biomechanical Analysis
3.1 - Combined effects of translational, rotational and anthropometric data movements
3.2 - Acceleration by the conjugate effect of angular acceleration and measurements of the anatomical segment
3.3 - Parameterizing the centre of gravity displacement
4 - Elements of Dynamics for Biomechanical Analysis
4.1 - Deduction of the concept of intersegmental energy transmission
4.2 - Particular Dynamic Deductions
5 - Laws of Movement and Sports Technique
6 - Organization and development of group work on Biomechanics


Enoka R. M. , 2000 , Bases Neuromecânicas da Cinesiologia , Editora Manole
Hall, S , 1991 , Biomecânica Básica , Editora Guanabara Koogan
Hamill, J. , 1999 , Bases biomecânicas do movimento humano , Ed. Manole
Jodar, X.A. , 1993 , Eficacia y técnica deportiva. Análisis del movimiento humano , INDE Publicaciones
Abrantes, J.M. , 2004 , Estabilidade Articular e Medição da Rigidez Mecânica Associada , Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto, vol. 4, nº2, Setembro (Suplemento), FCEDF, UP, 85-87.
Lopes, H., Gouveia, R., Alves, R. & Correia, A. (Coord.) , 2014 , Problemáticas da Educação Física I , Universidade da Madeira

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
1. Programmatic contents addressed, with openness to participation and clarification of doubts. Encouraged the active participation of the students in the classes by presenting problems to apply the knowledge, being required the presence, minimum of 75% of the classes. 2. Assessment of knowledge by test (50%), requiring a minimum grade of 9.5 values, and may go to the assessment of resource. 3. Understanding the applicability of program contents in the context of physical activity and sports training, through theoretical-practical work in class context, which should be presented in a report (20%). 4. Critical thinking and reflective analysis are promoted through further research and reading on program content, applying them to a group work with practical application (30%). Developed research skills, knowledge organization, data interpretation, peer cooperation, communication and written and oral reasoning.