Subject: Sports Training I - Football

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


160 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Mastering the knowledge related to sports training Football integrated manner;
2 - Adopt a scientific attitude and a reflexive critical method;
3 - Reveal capacity for initiative and innovation in Soccer Sports Training;
4 - Assume availability and motivation to work as a team, focusing on information sharing and behavior of solidarity and mutual support;
5 - Use information technologies and effective communication in the application of knowledge of sport and Football;
6 - Plan and manage the process of sports training in Football;
7 - Evaluate, plan and organize training sessions and sports activities for different groups in Football;
8 - Develop the ability of autonomy and sense of social responsibility in guiding the training process.


1 - 1. History of the Football Game
2 - Characterization of the discipline
2.1 - Football as a Collective Sports Game (CSG)
2.2 - Specificity of Football as CSG
2.2.1 - Structural Plan
2.2.2 - Functional plan
2.3 - Phases / moments of the game - concept and characteristics
2.3.1 - Offensive organization
2.3.2 - Defensive organization
2.3.3 - Attack / defense transition
2.3.4 - Transition defense / attack
2.4 - Cross-cutting Principles of Football Game
2.4.1 - Basic Principles (Attack / Defense)
2.4.2 - Specific principles
2.5 - Factors of the game
2.5.1 - Offensive procedure
2.5.2 - Defensive process
2.6 - Game forms
2.7 - The methods of the game
3 - Specific aspects of youth training in football
3.1 - The game of Soccer 7
4 - Observation - fundamental technique for team development
4.1 - Goalkeeper training
4.2 - Street football


Afonso, A. & Garganta, J, & Williams, M. & Mesquita, I. , 2010 , Investigação em expertise decisional em jogos desportivos: Paradigmas, métodos e desenhos experimentais , Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto
Araújo, D. , 2005 , A acção táctica no desporto: uma perspetiva geral. In D.Araújo (Ed.), O contexto da decisão ? a acção táctica no desporto , Lisboa: Visão e Contextos, Lda
Cásais, L. , 2009 , Los modelos de planificación del entrenamiento en categorias de formación. In : CásaiL., Domingoues, E. & Lago, C. (Ed.) Fútbol Base: El entrenamiento en categorias de formación , McSPORTS. Editorial Lebreria Deportiva Fútbol
Castelo, J. , 1994 , Futebol ? Modelo técnico-táctico do jogo , Cruz Quebrada: Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. Serviço de Edição
Fonseca, H & Garganta, J. , 2006 , Futebol de rua: um Beco com Saída. Do jogo espontâneo à prática deliberada , Edição-Visão e contextos

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Theoretical and Practical approach to the syllabus and discussion; Laboratory practice classes with video observation and analysis; tutorial orientation meetings. Internship in an organization with protocol with UMa: organization and management of the training and competition process under the guidance of the tutor in the organization. The evaluation is carried out through a theoretical test -20%; of a work of development of a theme-15%; continuous evaluation of the work carried out during the semester with regard to the organization of training and competition, expressed in a 40% trainer dossier; and a critical activity report developed-25%.