Subject: Sociology in Sports

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Comprehension of the fundamental concepts that sustain the sociological knowledge and domination of the main theories adopted in our days.
2 - Provide basic information indispensable to the scientific analysis of societies that allow understanding of the dynamics and the framework in which Sport Culture develops.
3 - Be able to: work in groups; discuss sociological knowledge; reveal a sense of social responsibility and ethical conduct.
4 - Communicate and argue about the work done through oral and written exposure.


1 - Social Sciences, Sociology and Society
1.1 - Analysis of the study object of Social Sciences in general and Sociology in particular.
2 - Social Processes, Status and Social Role.
2.1 - Social Interaction, Communication; Cooperation, Competition, Conflict; Adaptation, Accommodation, Assimilation.
3 - Social Groups, Structure and Social Organization.
3.1 - Social Categories.
3.2 - Aggregates.
3.3 - Social Organization and Social Order; Social Systems.
4 - Social Institutions.
5 - Social Stratification.
6 - Social Power.
6.1 - Nature of Social Power; The sources of Power.
7 - Mobility and Social Change.
7.1 - Concept of Space, Distance and Social Position.
7.2 - Social and Cultural Mobility - concept, type and process.
8 - Social movements.
9 - Sports and Politics.
10 - Sports and Economy.
11 - Leisure, Sport and Media.
12 - Sports and Violence, Sport and Change.
13 - Indicators of change in traditional patterns of sports culture.


A. Costa , 2007 , Sociologia , Quimera
P. Berger , 1991 , Perspectivas Sociológicas , Ed. Vozes
J. Galbraith , 1983 , Anatomia do Poder , Ed. Difel
. , 2002 , Actas das III Jornadas de Sociologia do Desporto - Um olhar sociológico sobre o desporto no limiar d , Colecção Estudos, CEFD, Lisboa
Norbert Elias , 1992 , A busca da excitação , Ed. Difel
J. Dumazdier, M. Baquet , 1998 , Novos olhares sobre o desporto , Compendium
Jorge Bento, José Manuel Constantino , 2009 , O Desporto e o Estado: Ideologias e práticas , Edições Afrontamento
Autores diversos , 2000 , Um olhar sociológico sobre o desporto no limiar do século XXI , ed. CEFD
Giddens, A. , 1995 , As consequências da Modernidade , Celta ed
Marivoet, S. , 1998 , Aspetos Sociológicos do Desporto , Livros Horizonte

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
"Active methods" will be adopted with discussions directed in the classes of topics previously defined and prepared from: 1. Presentation of contents by the teacher in lectures. 2. Parallel and compulsory reading of texts indicated by the teacher, with the presentation by the students of written critical summaries. 3. Critical analysis in theoretical-practical classes of the readings mentioned in 2. Assessment - a) Periodic assessment: consisting of two written tests on questions of program content. (Weighting 70%); b) Continuous evaluation - Written works with presentation and oral defense (20% weighting); c) Critical interventions based on the course of the classes. (Weighting 10%).