Subject: Human and Ethical Care Basics

Scientific Area:



88 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the moral dimension of human action and sociomoral development.
2 - Identify the foundations of Bioethics for the issues of Man, Life, Health and Environment.
3 - Reflect on ethical-deontological issues in health care/nursing and decision-making processes.
4 - Distinguish theories, conceptual models and currents of thought related to Human Care and Nursing.
5 - Discuss the human essence of Nursing Care.
6 - To base nursing as a discipline and profession.
7 - Describe patterns of knowledge and quality of nursing care.
8 - Analyze the historical and epistemological evolution of Nursing.
9 - Interpret concepts and assumptions of the practice of nursing care.


1 - Ethics, Morals and Bioethics.
1.1 - Person; Human Dignity and Vulnerability.
1.2. - Human action: genesis of morality, values, moral norm; freedom and responsibility and sociomoral development.
1.3. - Contemporary Issues in Bioethics and Health Care.
1.4 - Fundamentals and ethical frameworks for action - Paradigms; Theories and explanatory models; Organizations; Commissions; Declarations and Legislation.
2 - The deontological and legal ethical dimension of nursing care.
2.1. - The professional exercise and responsibility of the nurse in the relationship with the cliente, with other professionals and Organizations.
2.2. - Professional Deontology.
3 - The Ethical Decision-Making Process.
4 - The nature and essence of Nursing.
5 - Historical and social evolution of Nursing.
6 - Epistemology: Thought and philosophical currents: Humanism and Holism. Scientific grounds of care. Theories and models of nursing. Caring for quality.


Collière,M.F. , 2003 , Cuidar: a primeira arte da vida. , Lusociência.
Leininger M. , 2001 , Culture care diversity and universality: a theory of nursing. , Jones And Bartlett Pubs.
Marriner, A. T.; Alligood, M. R. , 2004 , Teóricas de enfermagem e a sua obra: modelos e teorias de enfermagem. , Lusociência.
Meleis, A. , 1991 , Theoretical nursing. Development and progress. , J. B. Lippincott Company
Neves, M. C. P.; Pacheco, S. (Eds) , 2004 , Para uma ética de enfermagem: desafios. , Gráfica de Coimbra.
Nunes, L. , 2011 , Ética de enfermagem: fundamentos e horizontes. , Lusociência.
Nunes, L.; Amaral, M., Gonçalves, R. (Eds) , 2005 , Código deontológico do enfermeiro: dos comentários à análise de casos. , Ordem dos Enfermeiros.
Sgreccia, E. , 2009 , Manual de bioética: fundamentos e ética biomédica. , Principia.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Being the curricular unit fundamentally theoretical and practical theoretical, it provides expository and participative methodologies. It is developed with expository sessions; Analysis, reflection and discussion of situations (text and/or video); Training exercises; group oriented work, seminar and participation of allusive events, if appropriate. The research and study is encouraged, providing times of assistance for guidance and clarification of doubts. Assessment in normal time (periodic): 2 written tests, individual, and 2 group works of synthesis, with oral presentation and discussion. The evaluation components have the same weighting (25% each), with a minimum grade of 9.5 in each. Model B according to RAAAUMa. Evaluation of resource or improvement: 1 individual written test. In times of resource or special evaluation, the student can recover each one or more components. The improvement evaluation will focus on the whole matter.