Subject: Pediatrics

Scientific Area:



24 Hours

Number of ECTS:

1,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Know the pathological processes that compromise the development of the child, adolescent and young from the physical/staturo-ponderal, sensory-motor and psychosocial points of view.
2 - To characterize the pathophysiological situations, from the medical and surgical points of view, more relevant in the paediatric age.
3 - To know the therapeutic interventions of the medical and surgical areas directed to the pathophysiological situations of the child, the adolescent and the young person.
4 - To characterize the therapeutic interventions of the medical and surgical forum, consequent with the decision making to solve problems of the child and the adolescent and the young person.


1 - Pediatric cardiology
1.1 - Cardiac disorders: congenital; Obstructive lesions; cyanotic.
1.2 - Kawasaki disease
1.3 - Rheumatic carditis
1.4 - Infective endocarditis; Myocarditis
2 - Neurology
2.1 - Headache; Epilepsy; Febrile convulsions
2.2 - Cerebral palsy
2.3 - Spina bifida
2.4 - Discranias
2.5 - PHDA
3 - Haematology
3.1 - Hematopoiesis and Haematological syndromes
3.2 - Anaemias
3.3 - Neutropenia; Thrombocytopenia
3.4 - Haemophilia
4 - Oncology
4.1 - Diagnosis and treatment
4.2 - Leukaemias
4.3 - Lymphomas
4.4 - Neuroblastoma
4.5 - Tumors: Wilms; of the central nervous system; bony; hepatic; retinoblastoma; rhabdomyosarcoma
4.6 - The terminally ill child
5 - Surgery
5.1 - Ankyloglossia; Fissured
5.2 - Cysts
5.3 - Pectus: excavatum; carinatum
5.4 - Onfalocelo; gastrochisis; umbilical and inguinal hernias; hydrocolloid
5.5 - Alterations of the gastrointestinal tract
5.6 - Acute appendicitis
5.7 - Changes in the penis and testes.
6 - Genetics
6.1 - Syndromes: Fragile X; Down; Edwards; Patau; Klinefelter; Turner
6.2 - Genetic consultation


Amaral, J. M. V. , 2008 , Tratado de clínica pediátrica , Abott
Bajaj, L.; Berman, S.; Berman, S. , 2011 , Bermsn?s pediatric decision making. , Philadelphia: Elsevier
Kliegman, R. M.; Behrman, R. E.; Jenson, H. B.; Stanton, B. F , 2008 , Nelson Tratado de pediatría , Madrid: Elsevier
Harkins, L. S., Nygren, C., Roth, J. C., Rothrock, J. C. , 1997 , Cirurgia pediátrica , Guanabara Koogan
Marín Ferrer, M.,Ordóñez Sáez, O.; Palacios Cuesta, A , 2011 , Manual de Urgencias de Pediatría , Ergon
Noronha, M, Coutinho, A., Martins, A. M., Lynce, N., Oliveira, H., Quaresma, C , 2005 , Pendicite aguda em Pediatria: experiência de cinco anos de um Hospital Distrital, Saúde Infantil ,
Palminha, J.; Carrilho, E. M. , 2003 , Orientações diagnósticas em pediatria , Lidel.
Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria (s/D) , Ata pediátria portugues ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Being a theoretical curricular unit, the oral presentation will be made by the teacher to approach the programmatic contents, using the expository methodology. The discussion and dialogue with the students will essentially serve to stimulate their participation, orienting them towards reflective study and analysis, directed at the pathophysiological phenomena themselves, but contextualizing them where appropriate in the social and affective life of the child, of the adolescent or young person, in which the family is included. The evaluation will be according to model A according to RAAAUMa. In normal time it will comprise two written tests of 1 hour each and with the weight of 50% for the final classification of the CU. Minimum success rating on each test of 9.5 values. In case of failure, the classification can be recovered at the time of appeal or special. The improvement of the classification will also imply the evaluation of all the contents given.