Subject: Nursing VI - Child and Youth Nursing

Scientific Area:



48 Hours

Number of ECTS:

4,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1. - - Identify factors that interfere with prenatal development.
2. - Know the stages of development of the newborn, the child and the young.
3. - Understand the adaptive response of the child and young person to the health / illness process.
4. - Understand the role of parents or substitutes in supporting the structural development of the child and Youth.
5. - Develop cognitive, technical and relational skills for the nursing intervention to the newborn, child, youth and their families.


1. - Child and juvenile health surveillance: Objectives; Parameters, and evaluation tools; Periodicity, orientation to parents.
2. - Feeding the child; The educational function of the act of feeding as a promoter of the overall development of children and young people.
3. - Vaccination in the child: immunity; Types of vaccines and routes of administration, safety and efficacy.
4. - Nursing interventions before the child / youth with alterations:  - The hydroelectrolytic and gastrointestinal regulatory system.  - Of the genitourinary system.  - Immune system and carriers of infectious disease.  - From the osteoarticular system  - Respiratory system and chronic disease (asthma / cystic fibrosi
5. - Letter from hospitalized child. Touchpoint model.
6. - Prematurity.
7. - Developmental disorders according to DC-03. Growing Sills test (0/6 years).
8. - Considerations of the importance of family structure.
9. - Therapeutic specificities in pediatrics.
10. - Child's experience hospitalized for surgery.


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Leontiev, A , 2015 , A criança em desenvolvimento no mundo: um olhar gestáltico , Rio de Janeiro
Bowden, V. R.; Greenberg, C. S , 2013 , Procedimentos em enfermagem pediátrica , Guanabara Koogan
Cabral, I , 2006 , Enfermagem Pediátrica , Guanabara Koogan
YU, L. et al. , 2015 , Effects of nursing intervention models on social adaption capability development in preschool children with malignant tumors: a randomized control trial. Psycho-Oncology ,
Almi, Michele Maris , 2009 , Função social da escola e o projeto pedagógico ,
Benedicto, Poliana , 2014 , Influência da afetividade na relação professor aluno na aprendizagem na educação infantiL , Maringá
J. Kevin Nugent e T. Berry Brazelton , 2011 , Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale , Mac Keith Press
Eduardo Sá , 2015 , Más Maneiras de Sermos Bons Pais As Crianças, O Pensamento e a Familia , Fim de Século
Ana Mateus Silva , 2011 , Desenvolvimento Infantil As competências e o desenvolvimento das crianças dos 0 aos 2 anos , Climepsi
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Eduardo Sá , 2018 , Livro das reclamações , Lua de Papel
Marilyn J. Hockenberry, David Wilson, Cheryl C. Rodgers , 2018 , Wong: Enfermagem da Criança e do Adolescente , Lusociência 2 unidades Lusociência

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Oral presentation of the teacher to introduce the themes, using the methodology of design, discussion and dialogue using the expository methodology, brainstorming for detail of ideas; Group work using the study-oriented; Internet database, computer and video projector. Simulated practice and autoscopies. Methodology of evaluation: Two frequencies to evaluate the knowledge acquired indvidually by the student, which can be recovered at the time of recourse or special season (50% of the classification of the curricular unit) A group work with an oral presentation to evaluate the competences patented the application of knowledge, its organization, communication and participation of the group (50% of the classification of the curricular unit). This work is recoverable in time of appeal or in special season.