Subject: Clinial Practice - Practice of Mental Health Care and Psychiatry

Scientific Area:



203 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To know the policies and resources that exist in the RAM in the area of mental health.
2 - To collaborate in the nursing intervention aiming at the promotion of mental health and the prevention of psychiatric disorders in the person, in the families and in the community, at different stages of development.
3 - Collaborate in the provision of nursing care to users, families and belonging groups, applying the nursing process and specific therapeutic tools and strategies in different environments.
4 - Understand the impact of psychic disorders and mental illness on the satisfaction of the needs of the person and families as well as on the significant social groups collaborating with nurses in minimizing complications and promoting psycho-social rehabilitation.


1 - Collaboration: in the intervention of nursing promoter of mental health and preventive of psychopathological disorders; In the provision of nursing care to the sick person, family / caregiver, based on a nursing theory and / or model and application of appropriate therapeutic tools and strategies; In the care of maintenance, support and psychoeducational and social rehabilitation to the recovered person, family / caregiver, in the community and institutionalized, applying appropriate knowledge, instruments and strategies.
2 - Elaboration of critical written reflection.
3 - Execution of a case study on a person with illness.
4 - Project execution and internship report.


Internacional Council of Nurses. , 2015 , CIPE versão 2015: Classificação internacional para a prática de enfermagem. , Ordem dos Enfermeiros.
Amaral, A. C. , 2010 , Prescrições de Enfermagem em Saúde Mental mediante a CIPE. , Lusociência
Martins, T.; Araújo, M. F.; Peixoto, M. J.; Machado, P. P. , 2016 , A pessoa dependente e o cuidador. , Enfermagem - ESE Porto
Sequeira, C. , 2016 , Comunicação Clínica e Relação de Ajuda , Lidel
Towsend, M.C. , 2011 , Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing, , F. A. Davis Company.
Trepacz, Paula T.; Baker, Robert W. , 2001 , Exame psiquiátrico do estado mental. , Climepsi

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Clinical practice is conducted under the guidance of the ESS tutors and teaching nurses. The experience takes place in two stages: in the Health Center and in a psychiatric institution. The student will be active throughout the internship, seeking to gain from the different learning opportunities and even creating them. The evaluation is based on the process and the results and an intermediate assessment will be carried out based on the evaluation scale of Stage. Clinical practice weighs 50% in the classification of the CU, the case study / nursing process 25% and the project and 25% stage report. Model D-RAAAUMa. The grade in each element of evaluation can not be less than 9,5. The final evaluation results from the self-assessment of the student and those carried out by the tutor and the teacher. Approval requires the presence in at least 80% of the hours in clinical practice and the absence time equals the entire shift. There is no recovery in resort / improvement or special season.