Subject: Internship VI - Professional Development

Scientific Area:



277 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Develop skills for the nursing practice based to a training project that includes the personal interests and shows the cognitive, technical and relational integrating of the learning made.
2 - Develop skills that allow the personal and professional development as a contribution to the continuous improvement of quality of nursing care.


1 - Practice of nursing care in hospital or community services.
1.1 - Application of basic knowledge and skills that allow the autonomous and interdependent action to the patient / client and family in the various areas of care.
1.2 - Characterization of clinical situations with urgent and emerging care needs.
1.3 - Collaboration in the projects of intervention in nursing in the contexts of hospital or community care.
1.4 - Collaboration in surveying the health care needs of the individual, family and community, considering the cultural beliefs and practices that influence the health of the individual, family and community.
1.5 - Analysis of the resources of the community susceptible of constituting support network to the individual and families.
1.6 - Analysis in nursing and transdisciplinary teams of the health problems that imply different methodologies of intervention and complexity.
2 - Execution of project and clinical practice report.


Clark, M. J. , 2013 , Community/Public Health Nursing Practice: health for families and populations. , Elsevier.
Grol, R.; Wensing, M.; Eccles, M.; Davis, D. , 2013 , Improving patient care: the implementation of change in health care. , BMJ Books.
Smeltzer, S.; Bare, B. G. , 2011 , Brunner & Suddarth - Tratado de Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica. , Guanabara.
Stanhope, M.; Lancaster, J. , 2010 , Foundations of nursing in the community: community oriented practice. , Elsevier.
Hanson, S. M. H. , 2005 , Enfermagem de cuidados de saúde à família: teoria, prática e investigação. , Lusociência.
Friedman, M. M.; Bowden, V. R. & Jones, E. G. , 2003 , Family nursing research, theory, and practice. , Prentice Hall.
Wright, L. e Leahey, M. , 2002 , Enfermeiras e Famílias: Um Guia para Avaliação e Intervenção na Família. , Editora Roca.
Ordem dos Enfermeiros. , 2012 , Padrões de Qualidade dos Cuidados de Enfermagem. Ordem dos Enfermeiros. , Ordem dos Enfermeiros.
Ordem do Enfermeiros , 2015 , Regulamento do Perfil de Competências do Enfermeiro de Cuidados Gerais. Regulamento 190/2015, de 23 de abril , Ordem do Enfermeiros.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The clinical practice takes place under the direct guidance of the tutors nurses and teachers, belonging to these the tutorial orientation. Evaluation integrates clinical practice (50%) - continuous assessment; the case study/nursing process (25%) and the project/report (25%). There will be partial evaluations whenever the teacher, tutor or student deems appropriate. The clinical component evaluation is carried out in a proper grid (qualitative scale) including the perspective of the student, tutor and teacher. The final classification is expressed in the scale of 0 to 20 values and is teacher's responsibility. The approval of the curricular unit implies approval in all components (minimum 9.5 values) and requires attendance of at least 80% of the hours in clinical practice and participation in care and discussion/evaluation meetings with tutors and teachers. There is no recovery in resource/improvement or special season. The presence/absence hours are equivalent to one full shift.