Subject: Multiculturalism and Nursing

Scientific Area:



32 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Identify cultural identity characteristics of ethnic and immigrant groups
2 - Integrate knowledge of diversity theory and cultural universality of care
3 - Reflecting on cultural singularities in health/disease processes
4 - Analyse specific situations of the practice of culturally sensitive nursing care


1 - Globalization, migration and citizenship
2 - Social processes linked to migration phenomena: acculturation
3 - Social, civic and legal issues
4 - Madeleine Leininger's Theory of Diversity and Cultural Universality of Care - structural, cultural and social dimensions
5 - Caring for interculturality - principles and factors integrating or limiting culturally congruent care
6 - Specificities related to integrated intervention in the processes of transition and adaptation of the Health/Mental Illness of migrants and their impact on inclusion and personal and social identity


W. Abreu , 2003 , Saúde, Doença e Diversidade Cultural , Instituto Piaget.
W. Abreu , 2011 , Transições e Contextos Multiculturais , Formasau
A. R. A Campos Gil , 2016 , A proteção derivada de direitos fundamentais de imigração , Dissertação de doutoramento em Direito. UNL.
M. Leininger , 1995 , Transcultural Nursing: concepts, theories, and practices , Greyden Press
C. Lopes, C. Santos, D. Matos & O. P. Ribeiro , 2008 , Multiculturalidade perspetivas de enfermagem contributos para melhor cuidar , Lusodidacta
C. Reis, M. Costa , 2014 , Cuidar imigrantes: desafios na prática clínica de enfermagem , Revista de Enfermagem Referência (4) 2
A. Rodrigues , 2014 , O cuidado de enfermagem culturalmente competente: uma narrativa de enfermeiros em serviço de infeciologia , Dissertação de mestrado em ciências de enfermagem. ICBAS.UP

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Theoretical and theoretical-practical sessions, using expository and interactive methodologies, film analysis, role-playing and debates with the participation of experts. Individual and oriented research, with reflection and discussion in the room of the indicated topics. Fieldwork on the issues addressed Assessment: Given the theoretical and practical nature of this UC, the evaluation will include 1 Individual report (50%) and 1 thematic work, group, with presentation and discussion in seminar (50%). Evaluation model B according to RAAAUMA. The minimum grade in each element is 9.5 points. The student will be able to recover at the time of appeal/improvement.