Subject: German Culture

Scientific Area:

Culture Studies


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - From the autonomous acquisition of knowledge about historical events, instituitions, political systems, culturaL, social, economical factors, and about German media in cultural space, according to appropriate scientific theory and methodology, the skills of critical communication, and the capacity to interprete, to contextualize as well as how to get acquainted to the cultural production of German expression will be put into practice (texts, events, problems, artefacts) in their dimension of the symbolic meaning and values production in context of other cultural systems.


1 - Theoretical problematics: what do the Studies of Culture mean?
2 - The importance of German in the European and global Culture context
2.1 - Social and political factors: formation of the German state and society
2.2 - German cultural Identity: Fine Arts, Music, Theatre, Literature, Film
3 - The importance of German culture in regional and local contexts
3.1 - Case study: the presence of German Culture on the Archipelago of Madeira


GIL, Isabel Capeloa , 2008 , O que significa Estudos de Cultura? Um diagnóstico cosmopolita sobre o caso da Cultura Alemã? , Revista de Comunicação e Cultura, nº6
GIL, Isabel Capeloa, Dias, Mónica (Org.) , 2005 , O Colorido da Diferença, a(s) cultura(s) alemã(s) hoje, , Universidade Católica Editora, Lisboa.
KOLINSKY, Eva and Wilfried van der Will (eds) , 1998 , The Cambridge Companion to Modern German Culture , Cambridge: University Press.
MARQUES, Helena , 2010 , O Bazar Alemão. Romance, Lisboa , Lisboa: Dom Quixote.
OPITZ, Alfred , 1998 , Sociedade e Cultura Alemãs , Universidade Aberta, Lisboa.
WILHELM, Eberhard Axel , 1997 , Visitantes e escritos germânicos da Madeira: 1815 - 1915 (Colecção Cadernos Madeirenses; 3), , Funchal: Direcção Regional dos Assuntos Culturais.
BEUTIN, Wolfgang (et al.) , 1994 , História da Literatura Alemã. Das Origens à Actualidade , Edições Cosmos, Lisboa.
EMONTS, Martina, PESTANA, Liliana (Coord.) , 2012 , Encontro entre Culturas. Conferências sobre temas luso-germânicas, DRAC/Biblioteca de Culturas Estrangeiras: Funchal , Funchal: DRAC/Biblioteca de Culturas Estrangeiras

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Lectures are carried out based on theoretical and practcal components - a theoretical oral presentation will be consolidated with the work of practice. Critical analysis, activities analysis as well as the propritious synthesis will be trained and carried out via collective discussions or debates, and exchanges of ideas and problematical issues. Assessment: a) A written test (50%); b) A work / project / paper to be performed during the semester, under the guidance of the teacher (Global Grade of the written work: 50%); delivery on a date to be confirmed at the Student Support Office.