Subject: Sociology of Culture

Scientific Area:

Culture Studies


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Create a space for reflection and stimulate the various realities so as to develop competencies in the area of culture. Promote knowledge of the cultural activity in its various strands as the conceptual and theoretical reflection on the role of social actors, to contribute to the knowledge and better understanding of the variety of representations, behaviors and cultural practices. Recognize the achievement of cultural phenomena and analyze the multiple modes of presence of culture in everyday life. Train the student to look differently the reality-directed look a critical way, either in a general perspective, whether the specific creative and cultural phenomena. Developing critical skills through discussion and debate in class as its competence and openness to the transposition of concepts and methods acquired in the study of culture for other domains of social life.


1 - Introduction to Sociology
1.1 - Foundations of the academic discipline
1.2 - Object of Sociology (social fact [Weber, Durkheim]; Mauss's total social fact
2 - Culture and cultural patterns
2.1 - Socialization and Enculturation
2.2 - Cultural diversity and models (the cultural invariants; relativism and cultural dynamism)
3 - Sociology of the Body
3.1 - Communication and body/body spacing and posture (concept of Proxemics)
3.2 - Body and identity (body markings)
3.3 - Body as a work of art (concept of beauty; Representations of gender in the traditional arts [sacred and profane paintings] and modern (photography, advertising, cinema)
4 - Art and Power
4.1 - Concepts of power [Weber, Durkheim, Formozinho...]
4.2 - Order and social control: Potlatch example
4.3 - Arts and Culture vs Social contestation
4.4 - Case study: Street art


BENJAMIN, W. , 1992 , Sobre arte, técnica, linguagem e política, , Relógio d?Água.
CORREIA, V. , 2013 , Arte pública : seu significado e função , Fonte da Palavra.
CREPI, F. , 1997 , Manual de Sociologia da Cultura, Lisboa, , Estampa.
CUCHE, D. , 2003 , A Noção de Cultura nas Ciências Sociais. 2.ª ed. rev. Coimbra , Pé de Pagina.
CUNHAL, Á. , 1996 , A arte, o artista e a sociedade. , Caminho
Jean Cazeneuve e David Victoroff, , 1982 , DICIONÁRIO DE SOCIOLOGIA , Verbo
ECO, U. , 1989 , Arte e beleza na estética medieval , Presença.
FERRIER, J.-L. , 1975 , La forme et le sens : éléments pour une sociologie de l?art. , Paris : Denoël.
FRANCASTEL, P , 1977 , Études de sociologie de l?art. , Paris : Denoël.
LE BRETON, D , 2007 , A sociologia do corpo. , Editora Vozes.
MAUSS, M. , 1988 , Ensaio sobre a dádiva; introd. Claude Lévi-Strauss. , Edições 70
WORSLEY, P. , Introdução à Sociologia , Ed. Dom Quixote.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching methodology developped is based on two different bases of work: theorical study and practical work. 1. Working Group: report; participation in scientific event; oral exposure of work performed (50%) 2. Individual student evaluation (50%)