Subject: Strategies for Operationalizing Sport

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The rapid changes that are taking place at the conceptual, methodological, instrumental levels and operational training in sport, requiring an adaptive response and criticism, which promotes the ability of decision making options that enable an efficient adjustment of the problems identified and the means response. Thus, rather than presenting an alternative proposal to the process dominated at the undergraduate or reinforcing aspects treated here, this course aims, from a concrete proposal, which includes the applicative aspects of Systematic of Sport Activities , the Training Methods (micro management of sport) and Sport Management and Organization (macro management of the sport), in their methodological and instrumental aspects, develop a capacity to intervene effectively by comparative analysis of cost / benefit of alternatives existing and, of course, the coherence of the whole.


1 - Functional approach to understanding and explanation of sport.
1.1 - A taxonomy-based models of behavior required
1.2 - Definition of a situation as a basis for discussion and operationalization.
2 - The training (micro management) options in different frames of reference.
2.1 - The training and the management processes of adaptation.
2.2 - Diagnosis, prescription and monitoring of sports training.
2.3 - Variables and indicators to consider the importance of quantifying.
2.4 - A plan of action supported by conjecture and refutation.
3 - The management organizational structures to support the sports training (macro management)
3.1 - The analysis of objectives and processes for understanding their dynamics.
3.2 - Variables and indicators to consider the importance of quantifying.
3.3 - Importance of assessment processes
3.4 - Differentiation of the action against the manager and economist.
4 - Analysis of situations
5 - Case Studies


Almada, Fernando, Lopes, Vicente & Vitória , 2008 , A Rotura: Estratégias de Operacionalização , Torres Novas: Edições VML
Almada, F. , 1995 , A Culpa não é do Desporto , FMH
Fernando, C., Lopes, H. & Vicente, A. , 2011 , O desporto como factor de desenvolvimento regional - Compreender o instrumento desporto , APDR-UMa.
Lopes, H., Fernando, C., Pudente, J. & Vicente, A , 2011 , O desporto como factor de desenvolvimento regional - o caso concreto da RAM. , APDR-UMa
Sardinha, R., Fernando, C. & Lopes, H. , 2015 , Alto Rendimento no Futebol - Da Macro à Micro Gestão , Dupladp & Associados.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The methodologies used are the oral discussions with the various subjects covered, the application of concepts to situations of analysis, problem solving applied to different situations and case studies. The evaluation is done through the preparation and discussion of a work application to concrete situations of sport, performing laboratory work applied to a defined situation and through work and interventions in the classroom. The percentages of each element of assessment will be discussed and agreed with the students at the beginning of the school year. No element shall be weighted more than 50%.