Subject: Teaching Contemporary Thought

Scientific Area:



27 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understanding that the audience is made up of teachers, social educators, educational administrators, other professionals interested to deepen education issues, this course aims at they are capable of the following: Acknowledge the main pedagogical proposals of the New Education Movement;
2 - Understand the tensions between the factory­shaped school and the New Education Movement;
3 - Acknowledge and understand the main pedagogical proposals of the twentieth century, post New Education Movement;
4 - Contextualize the main educators of the New Education Movement in contemporary times;
5 - Contextualize the main educators in post New Education Movement in contemporary times;
6 - Analyze the legacy of contemporary trends of pedagogy with a view to their application in practice.


1 - The pedagogy of the factory­shaped school and the proposals of the New Education Movement;
2 - Seminal Pedagogue of the twentieth century and their respective proposals: Maria Montessori; Francisco Ferrer; John Dewey; Célestin Freinet; António Sérgio; Alexander S. Neil; Anton S. Makarenko; Carl Rogers; Eric Weil; Paulo Freire; David Ausubel; Jerome Bruner; Seymour Papert.


Freire, P. , 1975 , Pedagogia do oprimido , Afrontamento
BRUNER, J. , 2000 , Cultura da educação , Edições 70
TR Giles , 1987 , História da Educação , Pedagógica Universitária
J Chateau , s. d. , Os grandes pedagogos , Livros do Brasil
Abbagnano, N. & Visalberghi, A. , 1982 , História da Pedagogia , Lisboa: Livros Horizonte
Bruner, J. , 1997 , Actos de Significado , Lisboa: Edições 70
Dewey, J. , 1989 , Como pensamos: nueva esposicion de la relación entre pensamiento y processo educativo , Barcelona: Paidós
Freinet, C. , 1974 , A educação pelo trabalho , Lisboa: Presença
Papert, S. , 2008 , A Máquina das Crianças: repensando a escola na era da informática , Porto Alegre: Artmed
Piaget, J. , 1976 , Psicologia e pedagogia , Rio de Janeiro: ForenseUniversitária
Sérgio, A. , 1984 , Educação Cívica, 3ª ed. , Lisboa: Sá da Costa
Sérgio, A. , s/d , Sobre Educação Primária e Infantil, 2ª ed. , Lisboa: Inquérito

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The methodology for this course calls for a theoretical and practical activity, which includes moments of action (research, construction) and moments of reflection and debate. In the first part the relations and tensions between the factory­shaped school and the New Education Movement are analyzed, through projection of slides, text readings and group and plenary discussions. Following, some of the main authors of the New Education Mouvement and a selection of others are studied aiming at understanding and reconstructing a set of theoretical references about the trends of contemporary education and their application in practice. The evaluation follows Model E of the Student Learning Assessment Regulations of the University of Madeira: a written essay on an author or pedagogical current, with the format of a scientific article, that each student has to present previously in seminary, according to a logic of information sharing.