Subject: Educational Leadership

Scientific Area:



27 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Learn and reflect on the Portuguese school from the point of view of leaderships
2 - Analyze leadership practices in schools and the education system
3 - Identify the most effective leadership practices for better functioning of schools
4 - Analyze studies on the management and effectiveness of schools
5 - Reflect on issues of power in school
6 - Discuss the issues of gender and school leadership


1 - Leadership in school organizations
2 - Concepts, models and leadership styles
3 - Evaluation of schools: self-assessment and external evaluation
4 - Leadership and school improvement processes
5 - Direction of schools and regulation of policies
6 - The school principal and school effectiveness
7 - School Culture, conflict and negotiation
8 - Review of the research on leadership
9 - Director of School: subordination and power
10 - Women and gender asymmetries in educational leadership


J. Barroso , 2005 , Políticas educativas e organização escolar , Universidade Aberta
M. Fullan , 2003 , Liderar numa Cultura de Mudança , Edições ASA
Chiavenato I. , 1979 , Teoria geral da administração , McGraw-Hill
Goleman, Daniel., Boyatzis, Richard., & McKee, Anne , 2007 , Os novos líderes , Lisboa: Gradiva
Bento, A. , 2008 , Estilos de liderança dos líderes escolares da Região Autónoma da Madeira. In J. Costa, A. Neto-Mendes & A. Ventura (Orgs.). Atas do V Simpósio sobre Org. e Gestão Escolar , In J. Costa, A.
Bush, T. , 2011 , Theories of educational leadership & management , London: Sage Publications
Costa, J. (Coord.) , 2000 , Liderança e Estratégia nas Org. Escolares , Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro
Costa, J., Neto-Mendes, A. & Ventura, A. (Orgs.) , 2002 , Avaliação de Organizações Educativas , Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro
Lima, L. (Org.) , 2006 , Compreender a escola: Perspectivas de análise organizacional , Porto: Edições Asa
Tomlinson, C. & Allan, S. , 2002 , Liderar projectos de diferenciação pedagógica , Edições Asa
A. Bolivar , 2003 , Como melhorar as escolas: Estratégias e dinâmicas de melhoria das práticas educativas , Edições ASA
N. Fraga , 2014 , As lideranças e os processos participativos: uma reflexão em torno da cidadania democrática , Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación
N. Fraga & C. Correia , 2013 , O Projecto - Eu Participo. Uma Estratégia da Política Local para a Educação na Cidadania , Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social
E. Schein , 1991 , Organizational culture and leadership: A dynamic view , Jossey-Bass Publishers
D. Goleman , 2014 , Foco - O Motor Oculto da Excelência , Temas e Debates

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
We will adopt diverse and mixed methodologies. We will do powerpoint presentations, reading scientific articles and other texts and their analysis in pairs, group and plenary. The evaluation of students is based on direct observation of their participation in all activities developed and, basically, on the production of an individual written work, with the structure of a scientific paper with oral presentation in class and to be submitted by email on DOC format, with a minimum of 8 A4 pages and a maximum of 10 (a space and a half and in Times 12, excluding the cover, abstract and summary). In the event of any work does not ultimately prove consistency against the objectives of the course, the author will be invited to reformulate it. The evaluation will focus on individual class participation, development of small individual / group works in class (40%) and developing an individual work with oral presentation (60%).