Subject: Education and Local Community Development

Scientific Area:



27 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the potential of education in local community development policies
2 - Analyze the participation of the citizens of the territory as a right and a duty that subsists on social change
3 - To analyze contexts of the local educational intervention and the experience of the Portuguese municipalities
4 - Identify key assumptions of municipal / local educational projects
5 - Recognize the social dynamic and the formal, non-formal and informal education in community development processes


1 - Theories and contemporary models of development.
2 - The historical background and conceptual perspectives of community development.
3 - The methodology of community development.
4 - Education for local and global sustainable development.
5 - Organizational, coordination and local administration models of education.
6 - Participatory Budgets, Educating Cities and Learning Cities: epistemological spaces of emancipation and social inclusion.


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Nuno Fraga, António Teodoro , 2017 , A reconfiguração da gestão da coisa pública face à emergência de processos participativos centrados no cidadão: O caso do orçamento participativo de Palmela , Revista Educação, Sociedade & Culturas
J. A. Caride Gómez, O. Freitas, G. Vargas Callejas , 2007 , Educação e Desenvolvimento Comunitário Local. Perspectivas pedagógicas e socias da sustentabilidade , Profedições
I. Vieira , 2017 , A Participação Um paradigma para a intervenção social , Universidade Católica Editora
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B. S. Santos , 2002 , Democracia e Participação O caso do Orçamento Participativo de Porto Alegre , Edições Afrontamento
J. Somões , 2011 , Cidades em Rede e Redes de Cidades O movimento das cidades educadoras , Edições Humus
M. Villar , 2008 , A Cidade Educadora. Nova perspectiva de organização e intervenção municipal , Instituto Piaget
J. Calvo Vérges , 2011 , LA experiencia de los presupuestos participativos en los entes locales , Dykinson
A. Nóvoa, M. Apple , 2005 , Paulo Freire: Política e Pedagogia , Porto Editora
D. Innerarity , 2016 , A Política em Tempos de Indignação , Dom Quixote
D. Innerarity , 2010 , O novo espaço público , Teorema
P. Freire , 2001 , A educação na cidade , Cortez Editora
P. Freire , 2002 , Extensão ou comunicação? , Paz e Terra
P. Freire , Educação como prática da liberdade , Paz e Terra
R. Abers , 2000 , Inventing Local Democracy , Lynne Rienner Publishers
I. Guerra , 2002 , Fundamentos e Processos de uma Sociologia de Acção. O Planeamento em Ciências Sociais , Principia
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Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
We use diverse and mixed methodologies. We will resort to slide projection, reading scientific articles and other texts and their analysis in pairs, group and plenary. It is always encouraged the sharing of knowledge and analysis of scientific literature and the life stories. The evaluation of students is based on direct observation of their participation in all activities taken place in the class and basically on the production of an individual written work, with the structure of a scientific paper, with oral presentation in class and to be submitted by email in .DOC format with a minimum of 7 pages and a maximum of 10 (one and a half space and Times 12, excluding cover, summary and abstract). As an appendix, the paper may be part of the possible written work that results from the analysis and presentation of key concepts of the curricular unit.