Subject: Sociology of Educational Organizations

Scientific Area:



27 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Recognize that organizations are social systems and identify their typologies and characteristics.
2 - To know the dynamics and the actors of the organizations, their formal and informal matrix, as well to know their functions: latent and manifest.
3 - Recognize the existence and importance of the organizational culture, as well its characteristics, levels, types and dynamics of diffusion.
4 - Recognize and characterize the sources and forms of power in organizations.
5 - Recognize the impact of globalization on Social Organizations, as well as emerging social responsibility.
6 - Develop a concerted action in the face of the specificities of educational contexts, implementing measures and creating appropriate solutions.


1 - Society and organizations 1.1. Concept of organization and types of organizations 1.2. Organizations as social agents and systems of action
2 - The social structures of organizations   2.1. The organization as a social system: dynamics and actors 2.2. Formal and informal aspects, 2.3. Latent and manifest functions
3 - The Organizational Culture      3.1. Conceptualization of organizational culture, its characteristics and importance      3.2. Levels and types of organizational culture       3.3. Formation and diffusion of the organizational culture
4 - The organization as a political and administrative system 4.1. Power Conjecture   4.2. Power: Features and Features   4.3. Power vs control,   4.4. Sources and forms of power;  
5 -  New Forms of Social Organization 5.1. The Networked Society 5.2. Globalization and the new forms of cultural identity 5.3. The organizational environment and social responsibility


F. Chorão , 1992 , Cultura Organizacional. Um Paradigma de Análise da Realidade Escolar . , GEP
L. C. Lima , 2006 , Concepções de escola: para uma hermenêutica organizacional. In L. C. Lima (Org.), Compreender a escola. Perspectivas de análise organizacional . , Asa
A. Nóvoa , 1995 , As Organizações Escolares em Análise. , IIE, Dom Quixote
R. Dias , 2008 , Sociologia das Organizações , Editora Atlas
L. C. Lima , 1997 , Sociologia das organizações educativas. , Universidade do Minho
G. Morgan , 2006 , Imagens da organização , Atlas
L.C. Lima (Org.) , 2011 , Perspectivas de Análise Organizacional das Escolas. , Fundação Manuel Leão
J. A. Costa, , 1996 , Políticas e Gestão Local da Educação , Universidade de Aveiro
H. Mintzberg , 1996 , Estrutura e Dinâmica das Organizações , Círculo de Leitores

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The classes, essentially practical, involve the students in the interpretation, synthesis and analysis of documents required to seize and consolidate the syllabus. The interpretative analyzes are moments of debate that aim at a good development of communicative and argumentative expression (oral and written), as well as critical analysis, supported by the knowledge acquired as well as the respective application to different organizational contexts. From this comes a moment of individual evaluation where each student demonstrates the ability to apply the contents to situations and contexts of organizations. This evaluation is carried out by means of a written work weighing 50%, its oral presentation, weighting 25%, as well as an oral debate (25%). In the case of evaluation of less than 9,5, students will be able to carry out a resource exam, weighing 100%