Subject: Research Project in Educational Administration

Scientific Area:



50 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Following the CU of Research in Education, it is intended that in this CU the student will be able to design his/her research project more focused in educational administration, with a reinforcement of ECTS. Thus the student has to:
1.1 - Critically discuss the contemporary paradigms in the construction of scientific knowledge in educational administration;
1.2 - Clearly state the problem, the questions and objectives of the research;
1.3 - Broaden and organize advanced knowledge in the field of research methodologies adequate to studies in the scientific domain of educational administration;
1.4 - Deepen knowledge about data collection and analysis techniques;
1.5 - Critically analyse research projects in educational administration;
1.6 - Search for the scientific information needed to prepare the research project;
1.7 - Publicly defend the research project.


1 - Research paradigms in confrontation or conciliation, taking into account the object of study in Educational Administration;
2 - Field, study object, and research problem;
3 - Objectives and research questions or hypotheses, according to the theoretical framework of reference of course specialty area;
4 - More specific research methodologies in the Educational Administration area: survey; grounded theory; assessment or referential; life histories; comparative study; multiple case study; action research, etc.
5 - Specific techniques for data collection and analysis in Educational Administration;
6 - Epistemological, interdisciplinary and ethical questions that are raised in research in Educational Administration.


A. Sousa , 2005 , Investigação em educação , Livros Horizonte
J. Bell , 2003 , Como realizar um projecto de investigação: Um guia para a pesquisa em ciências sociais e da educação , Gradiva
L. Lima , 2011 , Administração escolar: Estudos , Porto Editora
R Bogdan, S Biklen , 2003 , Investigação qualitativa em educação: uma introdução à teoria e aos métodos. , Porto Editora
H ECO , 2003 , Como se faz uma tese em Ciências Humanas , Presença
Lunenburg, F. C. & Irby, B. J , 2008 , Writing a Successful Thesis or Dissertation: Tips and Strategies for Students in the Social and Behavioral Sciences , Thousand Oaks: Corwin
J. Creswell , 2007 , Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design. Choosing Among Five Approaches , Thousand Oaks: Sage
M. Bray, B. Adamson & M. Mason (Ed.) , 2007 , Comparative Education Research. Approaches and Methods , Springer

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
This CU supposes an active participation of the students in the search, interpretation and application of collected scientific information. It is hoped that students develop gradual processes of autonomy in the design and projection of relevant scientific research. They are also provided with other research projects in educational administration area, from the collection of the CIE-UMa and other national and foreign HEI, taking care of their integration in the scientific community of reference of the program. The evaluation focuses on the analysis and discussion of the project, with a weight of 70% for the scientific quality of the project, through the pertinence and originality of the subject, systematization of theoretical information, options and rigor of the methodological framework, analysis of the articulation between the theoretical and methodological framework and the development of research, and academic style writing, and 30% for the oral defence of the project.