Subject: Education and Gender Equality

Scientific Area:

Educational Sciences


23 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Analyze the conceptual framework about gender equality and citizenship;
2 - Conceptualize sex, gender and stereotypes;
3 - Recognize the meaning of gender identity and the underlying training process;
4 - Raise awareness of the forms of gender-based violence within the family and that exercised on minors;
5 - Discuss ways and means of addressing gender and citizenship issues in formal and informal educational contexts;
6 - Know the main national and international references for the promotion of gender equality and financial, legal and social support mechanisms for women victims of violence;
7 - Recognize ways and means established to support the reconciliation between professional, family and personal life;
8 - Discuss the social responsibility of civil society organizations to achieve gender equality;
9 - Identify the issues to be considered for a policy promoting gender equality in real intervention contexts.


1 - Gender equality and citizenship;
2 - Sex, gender and stereotypes;
3 - The formation of gender identity;
4 - Feminism types;
5 - Gender-based violence within the family and against minors;
6 - Gender and citizenship education in formal and informal contexts;
7 - National and international references in the promotion of gender equality: historical context, present and future perspectives;
8 - Financial, legal and social support mechanisms for women victims of violence;
9 - Reconciliation between professional, family and personal life;
10 - Social responsibility of civil society organizations to achieve gender equality;
11 - Policy promoting gender equality. Opportunities and difficulties.


Abranches, G. , 2009 , Guia para uma Linguagem Promotora da Igualdade entre Mulheres e Homens na Administração Pública , CIG
Amâncio, L. , 1994 , Masculino e Feminino: A construção social da diferença , Afrontamento.
Cardona, Mª J. (Coord.). , 2011 , Guião de Educação: Género e Cidadania no 1º ciclo do ensino básico , CIG
Nicholson, P. , 1996 , Gender, power, and organization , Routledge.
Nogueira, C. & Saavedra, L. , 2007 , Estereótipos de género. Conhecer para os transformar , Cadernos Sacausef III
Pintassilgo, M. L. , 1981 , Feminismo. Palavra Velha? , Reflexão Cristã
Pinto, T. , 2007 , Educação e políticas para a igualdade em Portugal. Balanço e prospetiva. In L. Amâncio et al. (Org.). O Longo Caminho das Mulheres. Feminismos 80 anos depois (pp. 141-154). , Publ D Quixote.
Ribeiro, S. , 2005 , Retratos de Mulher. Construções Sociais e Representações Visuais no Feminismo. , Campo das Letras.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quant Dec (0-10)

Evaluation Methodology:
During the classes there will always be a concern to articulate theory and practice, considering the students' experiences. Of the various work methodologies, the following stand out: Lectures; Individual and group work for the analysis of texts and situations; case studies, role-playing and discussion of intervention strategies - promotion of practical activities that make it possible to structure knowledge through action. Use of teaching materials (videos, texts...) to support communication and relationship between students, through observation and contact with situations, exposure and clarification of doubts, organization, structuring and schematization of the learning contents in order to guarantee the construction of knowledge. The evaluation will be based on an individual or group portfolio (50%) in which a theoretical (individual) reflection on one of the contents of the program must be developed (50% ).