Subject: Reflection Seminar on Teaching Practice I

Scientific Area:

Supervised Teaching Practice


40 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

  • Analyze and reflect on pedagogical practices in school contexts of early childhood education;
  • To base pedagogical practice on theoretical and methodological assumptions appropriate to each situation;
  • To deepen concepts and methodologies of pedagogical action referring to the most varied curricular orientations alluding to Preschool Education;
  • Promote students' critical reflection on their own action (meta-analysis);
  • Reflect on problems flagged in real context, providing them with adequate training to improve the quality of intervention and solve the problems encountered;
  • Develop attitudes of critical reflection and questioning in relation to the experiences observed and lived in internship situation;
  • Participate in thematic sessions in the form of conferences, debates, joint reflections, presentations, case discussions and presentations on various topics related to Pedagogical Practice;
  • Promote the personal and professional development of students.


The Pedagogical Practice Reflection Seminar course unit aims to enable students to analyze problems encountered / raised in the internship. These will address themes arising from their training needs, signaled in the real context of Pedagogical Practice.
With the approach of the syllabus, it is intended to promote the development of reflexivity skills and critical analysis on the pedagogical practice, essential to the construction of a qualified teaching professionalism. The dynamics created in particular regarding the discussion of cases induces students to a critical reflection on their own action and aims at the transformation of reality, that is, the resolution of problems through action-research processes. The research, the critical reflection sustained in the theoretical and methodological assumptions that underlie the pedagogical action in the preschool, as well as the sharing of information and experiences allow to develop fundamental competences to the exercise of the teaching, whose complexity is not sympathetic of mere theoretical knowledge. and technicians.


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Assesssment methods and criteria:

Individual Individual preparation of an e-Portfolio to be presented to the class on January 9, 2020, on Pedagogical Practice with a weighting of 100% of the final evaluation (50% - e-Portfolio content and presentation - 50%).