Subject: Literature and Identity

Scientific Area:



74 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Reflect on the various manifestations of identity in English Literature since the Renaissance to Post-Modernity.
2 - Develop literary analysis skills.
3 - Apply acquired knowledge.


0 - Preamble: Regional and local identities. Nationalism/regionalism.
1 - Os Lusíadas by Luís de Camões - The epic praise of the collective identity.
1.1 - The cradle of the Portuguese nationality.
1.2 - Consolidation of independence.
1.3 - Portugal and Europe - Christian cornerstones.
1.4 - Building an Overseas Empire.
2 - Espelho de Lusitanos, by A. V. de Lira.
2.1 - The tradition of speculum literature.
2.2 - Strategies of Identity Preservation.
3 - As Viagens na Minha Terra by Almeida Garrett - The Romantic Ideal.
3.1 - The liberal project of rebuilding the nation through the renewal of society and institutions.
3.2 - The civic venture of writing.
4 - A Ilustre Casa de Ramires by Eça de Queirós - Between Realism and disbelief.
4.1 - Reinterpretations of the historical discourse.
4.1.1 - The "Queirosian" Irony from a historical- literary point of view.
5 - O Esplendor de Portugal by António Lobo Antunes - The postcolonial novel.
5.1 - Polyphony and Memory - vision of a fragmented path between Portugal and Africa.


Antunes, A. L. , 1999 , O Esplendor de Portugal , D. Quixote
Camões, L. , 2000 , Os Lusíadas, Leitura, Prefácio, e notas de Álvaro Júlio da Costa Pimpão, Apresentação de Aníbal Pinto de Castro , Instituto Camões
Garrett, A. , 1974 , Viagens na Minha Terra, com prefácio e notas do Prof. José Pereira Tavares , Livraria Sá Da Costa
Queiroz, E. , 1992 , A Ilustre Casa de Ramires, fixação do texto e notas Helena Cidade Moura , Livros do Brasil
Lira, A. V. , 1643 , Espelho de lusitanos em o cristal do Psalmo quarenta e tres : cuja vista em suma, representa este Reyno em tres estados... : em o fim desta obra se referem as notaveis descendencias da Serenissima Casa de Bragança.... , Lisboa: por Paulo Crasbeeck

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Classes will combine theory and practice - the theoretical component will be consolidated with practical work (oral presentations about each of the works under analysis - 5 points). Seminars (5 points) will revolve around five themes (Identity settings, autobiography, diary, autofiction; Iberianism, the three hundredth anniversary of Camoes's death and Post-colonialism. It will be an opportunity to share and exercise critical thinking conducive to debate. Individual work (10 points) as an exercise of application of acquired knowledge will be directed either to the analysis of a literary work that reflects identity issues or to the discussion of the literary space as a way of assertion of local and regional identities.