Subject: Regional Art and Culture

Scientific Area:



74 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - To provide relevant information about the main artistic and cultural facts of the Madeira archipelago history.
2 - To compare the Madeiran cultural situation to other regions. To contextualize local cases in the national and international art scene.
3 - To develop research skills, both in collecting, selecting and interpretating data, enabling students to deepen their knowledge and to produce original scientific contents with accuracy and autonomously.


1 - Arts and cultural heritage. Interaction between centers and peripheries. Artistic production and art market.
2 - Manueline period and Renaissance art. Influence of main national and international centers.
3 - Mannerism. Art and the Counter-Reformation.
4 - Proto-Baroque, Baroque and Joanine period. Architectural space and decorative arts. Local ateliers.
5 - Late-baroque and Rococo. Local ateliers of gilded wood and painting.
6 - Neoclassicism , Romanticism and Naturalism. Foreign visitors? vision. The technical reproducibility of images. Symbolism and Art Nouveau.
7 - The conflict between Modernism and nineteenth-century taste. The ?Estado Novo? ideology and the public sculpture.
8 - Madeiran artistic production in the 2nd half of the 20th century. Exchanges with the international art scene. Cultural equipments and cultural habits.
9 - Methodology of scientific research. Presentation and discussion of the academic papers. Individual projects.


Aragão, A. , 1987 , Para a história do Funchal , SREC/DRAC
Carita, R. , 2008 , História da Madeira , SRE
Freitas, E. G. , 2010 , A obra de Raul Chorão Ramalho no Arquipélago da Madeira , Caleidoscópio
Ginzburg, C. , 1991 , A micro-história e outros ensaios , Difel
Ladeira, P. , 2003 , O rococó na Madeira: a talha e a pintura do último barroco ao primeiro neoclássico , UMa
Rodrigues, R. , 2013 , A Pintura Proto-Barroca e Barroca no Arquipélago da Madeira entre 1646-1750: A eficácia da imagem , UMa
Santa Clara, I. , 2004 , Das coisas visíveis às invisíveis: Contributos para o estudo da pintura maneirista na ilha da Madeira (1540-1620) , UMa
Valente, A. C. J. , 1999 , As Artes Plásticas na Madeira: conjunturas, factos e protagonistas do panorama artístico regional do séc. XX , UMa

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Expository and demonstrative methods are used to the explanation of theoretical concepts. They are complemented by viewing and commenting on images and by study visits to allow direct contact with works of art. Critical analysis of the available literature, dialogues and debates are used to consolidate the knowledge of facts and concepts as they help to clarify issues, to exercise critical thinking and to develop dialogue and argumentation skills. Orientation of students research for written work: issues on project proposal, collecting and organizing data, oral presentation, discussion and writing. The assessment focuses on class participation, discussions and, above all, on the individual research. percentages: continuous assesment 20%, research project nº1 40%; research project nº2 40%.