Subject: Insular Societies and Cultures

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Equate the concepts of "islander condition" and "island society".
2 - Question the notion of "insularity".
3 - Reflect on particularities of island communities in their involvement with other disciplines (eg geography, natural resources, history, origins of populations, connections and mobilities).
4 - Interpret literature and culture as a cosmovision of the insular world.
5 - Identify cultural issues in different literary genres.
6 - Intensify contact with work instruments and various support materials for the subjects to be investigated.
7 - Acquire skills that may be applicable to the specific preparation of research projects in the relevant area.


1 - 1. Configurations of insular space in Western Culture 1.1. Mythical, legendary and utopian islands 1.2. Real islands and their representations
2 - 2. Cartographies of Insular Societies and Cultures 2.1. Consciousness of Insularity: Identities and Alterities in Dialogue 2.2. Questions of cultural miscegenation ? towards a rhizomatic view of the island world 2.3. Atlantic, archipelagic and diasporic identity
3 - 3. Literature and cosmovision of the island world: the island and the world 3.1. Cartographies of (dis)affects: memory and critical view of the times 3.2. Island(s) and Emigration: Travel and Utopia in a Global Context. 3.3. Awareness, Recognition and Affirmation.


Areias, Laura. , Ilhas Riqueza, Ilhas Miséria ,
Baldacchino, Godfrey. , 2007 , Islands as Novelty Sites?, in Geographical Review, vol. 97, n. º 2 (Apr.), ,
Benjamim, Abdala Júnior; Scarpelli Marli Fantini (orgs.). , 2004 , , Portos Flutuantes: Trânsitos Ibero-Afro-Americanos , Granja Viana. Cotia - SP: Ateliê Editorial
Deleuze, Gilles. , 2002 , « Causes et raisons des îles désertes », in L?île déserte et autres textes : textes et entretiens 1953-1974 , Paris: Editions de Minuit
Diegues, António Carlos (org.). , 1997 , Ilhas e Sociedade Insulares , São Paulo: Nupaub/USP Jean-Claude Marimoutou
Racault, Jean-Michel (dir.). , 1995 , L´Insularité: Thématique et Représentations [actes du colloque international de Saint-Denis de la Réunion, avril 1992] , , Paris: l?Harmattan / Saint Denis - Université de la Réunion
Meistersheim, Anne (coord.). , 1999 , , L' île laboratoire [actes du colloque de l?Université de Corse, 19-21 juin 1997], préface de Jean-Yves Coppolani , Ajaccio : Ed. Alain Piazzola
Mora , Teresa , 2009 , , Utopia e Insularidade. Narrativas Fundadoras da Ciência e da Sociedade Moderna , Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian / Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
Shils , Edward , 1992 , Centro e Periferia, trad. de José Hartuig de Freitas , Lisboa: Difel

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Theoretical classes and practical classes; oriented activities, presentation and discussion of themes related to the points of the program. Elaboration and defense of an academic work: 100% The assessment criteria will be the following: Written work (60%) Oral presentation and defense of the work (40%)