Subject: History Art Criticism

Scientific Area:

Art Sciences


62 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

0 - At the end of the semester, students should be able to:
1 - Recognize and understand notions, concepts and fundamental vocabulary, within art history and art criticism fields.
2 - Analyze the relationship between art theory and history, aesthetics and criticism, as well as their importance inunderstanding the contemporary culture
3 - Actively participate in discussions and debates about aesthetics questions
4 - Develop individual research within art history and art criticism field


1 - Theory of art History:
1.1 - Scope, methodology e epistemology of History of Art
1.2 - Historical overview of main schools that had influence in history of art pratice.
2 - History of art problems
2.1 - Concepts of art, artist, artwork, image ans aesthetics. the supposed abstract - figurative dichotomy.
2.2 - Iconography and iconology as auxiliary methodologies of art history
2.3 - (s) periodization (s) of art history.
3 - Theory and Art Criticism History:
3.1 - Introduction to critical theory: types, functions and method; relationships with art history, sociology andaesthetics.


ECO, Umberto , 2006 , A Definição da Arte , Edições 70
ARGAN, Giulio Carlo , 1993 , Arte e Crítica de Arte , Lisboa: Ed. Estampa
BECKER, H. , 2010 , Mundos da Arte , Lisboa: Ed. Livros Horizonte,
CALABRESE, Om , 1999 , Como ler uma obra de arte , Lisboa: Ed. 70,
DANTO, Arthur , 2013 , Qué es el arte , Barcelona: Paidós,
DORFLES, Gill , 1989 , As oscilações do gosto , Lisboa: Livros Horizonte,
GOMBRICH, E.H , 2005 , A História da Arte , Lisboa: Ed. Público/Phaidon,
MUKAROVSKY, Ja , 1981 , Escritos sobre semiótica e arte , Lisboa: Ed. Estampa,
PEREIRA, José Fernandes (coord) , 1995 , História da Arte Portuguesa, 3 volumes , Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores
VENTURI, Lionello , 1984 , História da Crítica de Arte , Lisboa: Ed.70

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Combination of the following methods: - Expository and explanatory method. - Dialogic method. - Active approach. Periodic assessment: 2 Written and oral presentations (70%) Continuous assessment: class participation (30%)