Subject: Research Methodologies

Scientific Area:

Social Sciences


34 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Acquire basic knowledge at the research level that allows autonomous research to be carried out, whether at a professional level, or for the purposes of a master's dissertation;
2 - To know and apply scientific work methods and ways of writing scientific articles/reports;
3 - Apply qualitative and quantitative methods used in scientific research in Tourism;
4 - To know and apply the main sampling techniques and data collection concepts;
5 - Develop concepts for designing and organizing questionnaires;
6 - Carry out and critically analyse the statistical treatment of data of different natures and origins and the respective interpretation of results;
7 - Use computer applications appropriate to the dynamics of scientific production in Tourism.
8 - To know new data mining methodologies, in particular those that operate with online information.


1 - Objectives and characteristics of the scientific methodology;
2 - Identification of a research topic;
3 - Literature review;
4 - Definition of the conceptual framework and hypotheses;
5 - Elements of the design of the empirical study;
6 - Methods of sampling and data collection;
7 - Construction of surveys;
8 - The use of ICT in research and data mining;
9 - Data Processing;
10 - Investigation Report.


Babbie, E. , 2004 , The Practice of social research. 10th ed. , Wadsworth Thomson
Bryman, A. , 2008 , Social Research Methods. 3rd Ed. , Oxford University Press Inc.
Creswell, J. W. , 2003 , Research design: qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. 2nd ed. , Sage Publications
Han, J., Kamber, M., & Pei, J. , 2012 , Data Mining Concepts and Techniques. 3rd ed. , University of Illinois at Urbana?Champaign
Hart, C. , 2001 , Doing a Literature Search: a comprehensive guide for the social sciences , Sage Publications
Hill, M. M.; Hill, A. , 2000 , Investigação por Questionário , Edições Sílabo
IBM - SPSS 24 , 2017 , Guia do Usuário do Sistema Principal do IBM SPSS Statistics 24 , IBM
MAXQDA 12 , 2016 , Guia de Introdução. VERBI Software , Consult. Sozialforschung. GmbH
Silva, A. S.; Pinto, J. M. , 1986 , Metodologia das Ciências Sociais , Edições Afrontamento
Dencker, A. F. M. , 2004 , Métodos e Técnicas de Pesquisa em Turismo , Editora Futura
Gallego, J. C., Brito, J. G., RojaS, A. V. , 2003 , Análisis Empírico de la Demanda Turística , Editorial Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces
Nogales, Á. F. , 2004 , Investigación y Técnicas de Mercado. 2ª ed. , ESIC Editorial
Pereira, A. , 1999 , SPSS. Guia Prático de Utilização , Edições Sílabo
Pestana, M. H., Gageiro, J. N. , 1998 , Análise de Dados para Ciências Sociais. A Complementaridade do SPSS , Edições Sílabo

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Continuous Assessment: Article analysis report (A) individual work from critical analysis to indexed scientific article considering the methods and means taught in the classes; Participation (P) individually or in groups in activities to be developed and/or presented in class; Research work (T) (in group or individual). The T will be carried out with real data and will involve the use of computational methods and means versed in the classes. The T will be performed and presented/delivered in phases that will be established in continuous assessment calendar. In periodic assessment the P component will be replaced by presentation and discussion of an exercise/work agreed between the teacher and students undergoing this type of assessment. Exam assessment: Article analysis (A) individual work from critical analysis to indexed scientific article considering the methods and means addressed in classes; Theoretical-practical written test (PE) presential, individually and without consultation

