Subject: Quality Management in the Hospitality Industry

Scientific Area:

Organization/Company Background


32 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Identify the characteristics of the service and its importance for the quality of hospitality.
2 - Understand and analyze the importance of quality of service in terms of tourism and hotels.
3 - Understand the importance of excellence in the quality of hotel management with operational strategies based on the quality of service.
4 - Develop procedures according to quality systems and tools.
5 - Understand how the environment and quality of the hotel's surrounding service can influence customer satisfaction.
6 - Study and understand the system and procedures of a quality management and certification system.


1 - Quality of Service
1.2 - Quality and evolution of the concept
2 - Quality and Excellence in Hotel Management
2.1 - Quality costs
3 - Quality Techniques
3.1 - Measurement and control tools
4 - Service Excellence in the Hotel Activity
4.1 - Servicescape
4.2 - Consumer delight
4.3 - S-O-R Paradigm
5 - Quality Management and Certification System
5.1 - ISO 9001


Ramos Pires, A. , 2007 , Qualidade: Sistemas de Gestão da qualidade. 3ª ed , Sílabo
Pinto, A., Soares, I. , 2010 , Sistemas de Gestão da qualidade: Guia para a sua implementação , Sílabo
Lee, B.Y. ; Park, S.Y. , 2019 , The Role of Customer Delight and customer equity for loyalty in upscale Hotels. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management ,
Juran, J.M.; Godfrey, A.B. , 1998 , Juran?s quality handbook, 5ª ed. , MacGraw-Hill, New York
Esgarrancho S.; Cândido C.J.F. , 2020 , Firm preparation for ISO 9001 certification: the case of the hotel industry in Portugal, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 1-2 ,
Choi, H. ; Kandampully, J. , 2019 , The Effect of Atmosphere on Customer Engagement in Upscale Hotels: An application of S-O-O-R Paradigm. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 77 ,
Abranja, N.; Elias-Almeida, A.; Almeida, M. , 2020 , Gestão Hoteleira: O Produto, o Serviço e as Técnicas , Lidel

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
LM1: Exposition and consolidation of the syllabus. LM2: Theoretical-practical teaching: application of theoretical and practical knowledge. Analysis and resolution of case studies; Thematic debates. Self-work: LM3: Analysis and resolution of case studies; Preparation of topics for debate. LM4: Tutorials, information search to deepen the knowledge on the developed themes and reading the recommended bibliography. Periodical Assessment: 50% Theoretical Component (TC): 1 written test (The test has a minimum score of 9.50 values). 50% Practice Component (PC): One work with a minimum grade of 9.50 values) Exam Assessment: 50% Theoretical Component (TC): 1 written test (The test has a minimum score of 9.50 values). 50% Practice Component (PC): One work with a minimum grade of 9.50 values)