Subject: Statistic Complements

Scientific Area:



80 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1. - O1 - Complement the statistical training.
2. - O2 - Provide the students with resources to address situations where data are not normally distributed.
3. - O3 - Provide the knowledge of an area of statistics that deals with lifetimes (broadly speaking).
4. - O4 - Enable the learning of SPSS software (possibly also the software R), to use as a tool in the subjects studied.


1. - Non-Parametric Statistics
2. - Survival Analysis


Cox, D.R. , 1996 , Analysis of survival data , Chapman & Hall
Everitt, B.S. , 2019 , The analysis of contingency tables , Wiley, New York
Harris, E.K., Albert, A. , 1991 , Survivorship analysis for clinical studies , Dekker
Kalbfleisch, J.D., Prentice, R.L. , 1980 , The statistical analysis of failure time data , Wiley
Klein, J.P., Moeschberger, M.L. , 1998 , Survival analysis. Techniques for censored and truncated data , Springer-Verlag, New York
Siegel, S. , 1975 , Estatística não-paramétrica (para as ciências do comportamento) , McGraw-Hill
Lawless, J. F. , 2002 , Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime Data , Wiley. University of Waterloo, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Sprent, P. e Smeeton N. C. , 2001 , Applied nonparametric statistical methods , Chapman & Hall: CRC
Brostrom, G. , 2012 , Event History Analysis with R , CRC Press
Carvalho, M.S., Andreozzi, V.L., Codeço, C.T., Campos, D.P., Barbosa, M.T.S. e Shimakura, S.E. , 2011 , Análise de Sobrevivência: teoria e aplicações em saúde , Editora FIOCRUZ
Rocha, C. e Papoila, A.L. , 2009 , Análise de Sobrevivência , Edições SPE
Maroco, J. , 2010 , Análise Estatística com o PASW Statistics (ex-SPSS) , ReportNumber, Lda

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
M1 - The theoretical classes are of expository type (using the computer and the projector) although students can intervene whenever they need. M2 - The theoretical/practical classes are designed essencially to solve, by the students, the proposed exercises. However, there is an individual supervision and, where necessary, a general explanation. M3 - This course, being a preparation of students for the future, puts them in situations similar to those they will face, so that part of the assessment reflects this reality. Therefore, students are invited to choose an article in the library b-on, in English, about survival analysis, and present orally to the class, in Portuguese, the main ideias of the article. This assignment occurs at the end of the semester and has a 20% ponderation. M4 - For each chapter of the course, students perform a test, each with a weighting of 40%. In case of failure, there is another oportunity, which allows the recovery of the tests' grades.