Subject: Doctoral Training Seminars

Scientific Area:



60 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

0 - The Doctoral Training Seminars aim to create and maintain an environment of systematic reflection on the development of the thesis, complemented by discussions on the themes suggested by them, or that are still deficient at this stage (2nd and 3rd years). The student is expected to be able to:
1 - Deepen epistemological and methodological questions related to ongoing research projects;
2 - Share information about the progress of the research projects;
3 - Participate in debates related to the specific themes of the ongoing research projects;
4 - Participate in conferences open to the academic community on advanced research in education.


1 - Contents suggested by the main subjects of the ongoing theses;
2 - Contents that cross the theoretical with the methodological issues;
3 - Contents that cross the curriculum with the pedagogical innovation;
4 - Subjects of the conferences organized within the framework of the CIE-UMa?s scientific agenda delivered by national and foreign specialists.


Amado, J. (Coord.). , 2014 , Manual de Investigação Qualitativa em Educação , Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
Creswell, J. & Clark, V. P. , 2003 , Designing and Conducting mixed methods research , Los Angeles: Sage
Denzin N. & Lincon Y. , 2007 , O planejamento da pesquisa qualitativa: teorias e abordagens , Porto Alegre: Artmed.
Fraenkel J. R., Wallen N. E. & Hyun H. H. , 2006 , How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education , New York: McGraw-Hill.
Gimeno Sacristán, J. (Org.) , 2013 , Saberes e Incertezas Sobre o Currículo , Porto Alegre: Penso
Morgado, J. C. , 2012 , O estudo de caso na Investigação em Educação , Santo Tirso: De Facto Editores
Morris, M. , 2016 , Curriculum studies guidebooks , New York: Peter Lang.
Pinar, W. F. , 2012 , What is Curriculum Theory? , New York: Routledge
Terrell, S. R. , 2012 , Mixed-Methods Research Methodologies , The Qualitative Report

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In addition to the participation of the supervisors, in the form of lectures, doctoral students must address the theoretical and methodological frameworks of the research projects that are underway, and their progress, and participate in debates and conferences on advanced research in education. The evaluation shall be based on the following criteria: Presentation of the theoretical framework, conceptual framework and current state of the respective theses - 40%; Participation / interaction in the presentations of the other colleagues - 30%; Participation in debates after conferences (mandatory participation in at least 3/4 of debates organized annually) - 30%.