Subject: Legislation

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To have a perception of how the legal system and legal rules work;
2 - To have a basic notion of the concept of legal relationship and its essential elements, as well as the concept of legal business and its classifications;
3 - To know the essential content of works and partnership contracts;
4 - To know the legal regime of access and the exercise of civil construction activity.


1 - Fundamental Notions of Legal Order:
1.1 - Characteristics of Law and preliminary concept of Law;
1.2 - Branches of Law:
1.2.1 - Public Law vs Private Law;
1.2.2 - Branches of Public Law;
1.2.3 - Private Law Branches;
1.3 - The legal norm and legal principles:
1.3.1 - Concept and characteristics of the rule of law;
1.3.2 - The main types of standards;
1.3.3 - The legal principles;
1.4 - The hierarchy of norms in the legal system:
1.4.1 - International Standards;
1.4.2 - European standards;
1.4.3 - Constitutional Norms;
1.4.4 - Legal norms;
1.4.5 - Regulatory Standards;
1.5 - The process of formation of standards;
1.6 - The application of the Law in Time and Space;
2 - The legal relationship: concept, structure and elements;
3 - The legal business:
3.1 - Concept and Classification;
3.2 - Essential Elements;
4 - The contract: concept and modalities:
4.1 - Contracts in particular:
4.1.1 - Construction Contract;
4.1.2 - Articles of Association;
5 - The forms of the exercise of trade;
6 - The regime of access and civil construction activity:
6.1 - Entry and Permanence Requirements;
6.2 - Duties of performance in the exercise of the activity;
6.3 - Professional qualification of project technicians, construction management and construction supervision;
6.4 - The licensing process.


Ascenção, J. O. , 2017 , O Direito , Almedina
Machado, J. B. , 2017 , Introdução ao Direito e ao Discurso Legitimador , Almedina
Mota Pinto, C. A. , 2005 , A Teoria Geral do Direito Civil, 4.ª edição , Coimbra Editora
Gomes Canotilho, J.J. , 2018 , Direito Constitucional e Teoria da Constituição, 7.ª edição , Almedina
Coutinho de Abreu, J.M. , 2019 , Curso de Direito Comercial Vol. I , Almedina
Coutinho de Abreu, J. M. , 2019 , Curso de Direito Comercial Vol. II , Almedina
docente , Outros Recursos didáticos: apresentações power point; fotocópias de artigos ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In accordance with the expected for the Professional Higher Technical Courses.