Subject: Technologies and Information Systems

Scientific Area:

Computer User Skills


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Know the computer tools most used in data and information processing with emphasis on their functionalities and areas of application.
2 - Know the main features and potential of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel in their multiple functions.
3 - Learn about Web collaboration services that provide environments for remote meetings.


1 - Technologies and Information Systems.
1.1 - Functional areas and their applications.
2 - Web collaboration services: Colibri platforms; Microsoft Teams.
2.1 - Basic platform concepts.
2.2 - Create/hold remote meetings; videoconferencing sessions with participants from multiple institutions.
3 - Introduction to Word Processing; Basic Word Processing Tools - Microsoft Word.
3.1 - Insertion of fields, headers, footers, captions, bullets and indexes.
3.2 - Letters and mailings, macro's: automating tasks and creating databases for creating mailing lists.
3.3 - Document protection.
3.4 - Information sharing between applications.
4 - Introduction to Spreadsheet.
4.1 - Potentialities, structure and working environment of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program.
4.2 - Basic worksheet tasks.
4.3 - Operations with worksheets.
4.4 - Entering simple formulas into the spreadsheet.
4.5 - Functions available in Excel.
4.6 - Creation and edition of command macros.
4.7 - Creating and manipulating graphics.
4.8 - Creating and manipulating lists or data tables.
4.9 - Creation and manipulation of tables and dynamic graphics.
4.10 - Integration of tables and graphics elaborated in the spreadsheet in the word processor.


Marques, P. C. & Costa, N. , 2014 , Fundamental do Excel 2013 , FCA
Rodrigues, L. S. , 2016 , Utilização do Excel para Economia & Gestão , FCA

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20) Theoretical-practical classes use the expository method to present the contents of the program, always seeking to have the participation of students in the construction of learning. In addition, the classes involve small research tasks, solving problems related to the organization of data, and the experience and contact with the most important functionalities of the accommodation tools, individually and in groups. Continuous assessment comprises a theoretical frequency that corresponds to 35% of the grade of the curricular unit and involves the consolidation of the theoretical contents covered, and the remaining quotation is understood through 15% in class work corresponding to the accomplishment of use of the tools addressed to solve given problems, the remaining 50% of which is carried out through the development of work in different areas.