Subject: Tourism Service

Scientific Area:

Tourism and Leisure


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Acquisition of relational skills, in order to establish a positive relationship with the client, from the perspective of providing quality services in various fields of tourism.


1 - Excellence translated into service;
2 - The importance of care as a differentiating factor;
3 - Image management: personal, professional and organizational;
4 - Verbal and non-verbal communication as a reinforcement of the relationship with customers;
5 - Service practice and motivation techniques;
6 - Customer profiles and attitudes/behaviours to be adopted;
7 - Managing customer expectations and emotions;
8 - The phases of the service process;
9 - Identify and apply service techniques.


Amaral, I. , 2018 , Imagem e Sucesso: Guia de Protocolo para Pessoas e Empresas , Lisboa: Casa das Letras
Cunha, L. & Abrantes, A. , 2013 , Introdução ao Turismo , Lisboa: Lidel
Cunha, L. , 2017 , Turismo e Desenvolvimento , Lisboa: Lidel
Moreira, I. , 2014 , Excelência no Atendimento, 4.ª ed. , Lisboa: Lidel
Silveira, E. J. , 2015 , A Qualidade no Atendimento: a Importância das Agências de Viagens , s/ed.
Vinagre, M. H.& Neves, G. , 2018 , Qualidade de Serviço Diagnosticar para intervir , Lisboa: Edições Sílabo

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Use of expository and interactive methods; performing practical exercises in the classroom, in a group; research and considerations on tourism statistics, policies and strategies at the local, regional and national levels. The assessment will be based on written tests and practical work giving relevance to the students' continuous work in the classroom. The evaluation will take place following the distribution: - Mini-test - 10%; - Frequency - 35%; - Written work - 45%; - Participation - 10%. Recovery during the resource season: mini-test and frequency.