Subject: Microcontrollers

Scientific Area:

Electronic and Automation


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

Explain the working principle of microcontrollers;  
Develop programs in assembly language and C language for microcontrollers;
Analyze and design electronic circuits of microcontroller-based systems.


1- Basic concepts of microcontroller architecture.  
2 - Execution of programs in memory.
3 - Instruction set.
4 - Subroutines.
5 - Interruptions.
6 - Peripherals.
7 - Oscillator, power supply, configuration and reset.
8 - Parallel interface.
9 - Serial interface.
10 - Clocks, counters and gauges.
11 - Reading and writing of analog signals.
12 - Reading and writing of data in the internal EEPROM and in the program flash memory.


Myke Predko, Programming and Customizing the 8051 microcontroller, McGrawHill,1999.

José Manuel Martins Ferreira, Introdução ao Projecto com Sistemas Digitais e Microcontroladores, FEUP Edições, 1998.

Dogan Ibrahim, Microcontroller Projects in C for the 8051, Newnes, 2000.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Theoretical-practical assessment components (40%):  
TP1 - First theoretical-practical frequency, with a weight of 20% in the final assessment;
TP2 - Second theoretical-practical frequency, with a weight of 20% in the final assessment.
Note: the average of the scores of the two frequencies must be greater than or equal to 8 values.
Laboratory practice assessment components (60%):
PL1 - First practical assessment work, with a weight of 20% in the final assessment;
PL2 - Second practical assessment work, with a weight of 20% in the final assessment;
PL3 - Third practical assessment work, with a weight of 20% in the final assessment.
Note: the average of the grades of the three works must be greater than or equal to 8 values.
Final grade (NF) of the discipline: NF = 0.20xTP1 + 0.20xTP2 + 0.20xPL1 + 0.20xPL2 + 0.20xPL3.
Checking the following conditions: NF >= 10 values; (TP1 + TP2)/2 >= 8 values; (PL1 + PL2 + PL3)/3 >= 8 values.