Subject: Industrial automation

Scientific Area:

Electronic and Automation


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

- Design command and automatic control systems using PLCs;
- Use PLCs to control continuous systems;
- Design automation facilities;
- Analyze and choose technologies for automating industrial processes;
- Develop industrial automation projects involving sensors, actuators and automata.


1 - Introduction: Notions of digital systems; Notions of analog systems; Boole algebra; Logical functions, symbology and representation.
2 - Sensors and actuators: General notions; Examples of applications.
3 - PLCs: Automata architecture and basic operation.
4 - Representation of automatic systems by sequence diagrams.
5 - Representation of sequential systems by GRAFCET.
6 - Methods for specifying control systems for discrete events.
7 - Control of continuous processes using functions available in programmable automata.
8 - Design of automation installations: schematic design; design documentation; equipment specification; budget.
9 - Deepening of thematic areas. Examples: technical management of buildings, home automation, automation of water supply systems, automation of road tunnels.


A. Francisco, Autómatos Programáveis, 5ª edição, Lidel, 2015.

 J. Norberto Pires, Automação Industrial, 5ª edição, ETEP, 2012.

 P. Oliveira, Curso de Automação Industrial, 3ª edição, ETEP, 2016.

 A. Santos e A. Silva, Automação Integrada, 2ª edição, Publindústria, 2015.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Theoretical-practical evaluation components (40%):

TP1 - First theoretical-practical frequency, with a weight of 20% in the final assessment;

TP2 - Second theoretical-practical frequency, with a weight of 20% in the final evaluation.

Note: the average of the notes of the two frequencies must be greater than or equal to 8 values.


Components of practical laboratory evaluation (60%):

PL1 - First practical evaluation work, with a weight of 20% in the final evaluation;

PL2 - Second practical evaluation work, with a weight of 20% in the final evaluation;

PL3 - Third practical evaluation work, with a weight of 20% in the final evaluation.

Note: the average of the grades of the three works must be greater than or equal to 8 values.