Subject: Systematics of sport IV-basketball

Scientific Area:



56 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

Provide students with a global vision of basketball;

Provide students with the experience of training and game situations, in order to reach a minimum competence, with regard to the specific motricity of basketball;

Foster in students the ability to carry out, as coach of Minibasketball, U-14 and/or U-16 men and women, a set of more specific and specialized experiences, which give practical content to an adequate preparation of athletes and teams;

Provide students with the experience of training and game situations on a regular basis, in the role of head or assistant coach of a Minibasketball, U-14 and/or U-16 male and female team, in official competitions of the sport;

Foster in students the ability to carry out, as a judge (referee and/or table official), in Minibasketball and Under-14 games, a set of more specific and specialized experiences, which give practical content to an adequate preparation of their own and the athletes and teams;

Provide students with the experience of training and game situations on a regular basis, as a judge (referee and/or table official) in Minibasketball and/or Under-14 competitions, in official competitions of the sport;

Adopt a scientific attitude and a reflective critical method;

Reveal initiative and innovation both in training and in the game;

Assume availability and motivation for teamwork, favoring the sharing of information and behaviors of solidarity and mutual help;

Use information technologies and effective communication in the application of basketball knowledge;

Plan and manage the process of sports training in basketball;

Evaluate, plan and organize training and competition sessions for different basketball groups;

Develop the capacity for autonomy and a sense of social responsibility in guiding the training and game process.


1. Characterization of the game: introductory and regulatory concepts

2. Know how to train

2.1. The coach's intervention

2.2. Learning objectives and training content development

3. Game Concepts

3.1. Phases of the basketball game and its objectives

3.2. Modality-specific terminology

3.3. Specific symbology of the modality

3.3. References from the playing field

4. Refereeing

4.1. Administrative aspects

4.2. Refereeing pedagogy

4.3. Official game rules and refereeing technique

4.4. Game management and communication

4.4. Game report and timing

5. How to start teaching the game

5.1. Learning objectives

5.2. Characterization of the beginners game

5.3. Structuring principles of the game (defense and attack)

5.4. Initial assessment of game level and diagnosis

6. Minibasketball

6.1. learning objectives

6.2. Content development

6.3. Selection and construction of exercises

6.4. Teach to play

7. Development of motor skills in basketball

8. Offensive individual technique

8.1. Dribble

8.2. Pass

8.3. Shot

9. Defensive individual technique

9.1. Defensive basic position

9.2. Player defense with ball

9.3. Off-the-ball player defense

10. Offensive individual tactics (1v1)

11. The 3x3 game

12. Offensive collective tactics

12.1. The counter attack

12.2. The position attack (pass and cut)

13. Defensive individual tactics

13.1. Defense of the ball

14. Defensive collective tactics

14.1. Defensive help

14.2. Attack-defense transition

15. Direction of exercises and game

15.1. Select the exercise

15.2. Build the exercise

15.3. Manage the exercise




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Assesssment methods and criteria:

Theoretical test - 50%

Mini-theoretical test - 15%

Group work - 10%

Oral presentation - 10%

Continuous assessment - 15%