Subject: Systematics of sport I-swimming

Scientific Area:



56 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

Stimulate routines and capabilities that form the basis of a competent professional performance, with a greater focus on ?production? than on ?reproduction? (eg: - Cultural openness: initiative, leadership, cooperation, receptivity, responsibility, resilience, etc.);

To promote in the student an attitude of ?manager? (not a simple ?consumer?) of sporting activity, providing you with a reflective practice through analysis instruments of the respective contents in order to enhance study, interpretation and performance capacities outside the restricted scope of application of pre-established standards, including, in activities not here formal and/or deeply addressed;

That the student is able to understand and explain sports activities, using a knowledge structure (integrating knowledge from different areas), which allows a personalized management of sports activities in different sports markets;

Understand the concept of systematization and its application in the management of sports activities.
Mastering an understanding of sporting activities from a broad perspective without being tied to closed frames either within the scope of each of the sporting activities or in the range of modalities considered.

Master the use of a taxonomy, the necessary instruments and the appropriate nomenclature.

Develop the construction of matrices, understanding of situations and mastery of knowledge at an instrumental level.

Acquire knowledge capable of characterizing and framing the pure swimming modality in its specificity.

Understand and learn about how to observe the modality addressed and its active principles.

Develop the ability to carry out analysis of situations and case studies within the scope of managing pure swimming sports activity.


1. Systematics (concepts and application)

2. Systematics in sport (concepts and application)

3. Systematics of sports activities (models, taxonomies, instruments)

                a. Reference framework: Taxonomy of Fernando Almada

                b. Active principles and requested behaviors

                c. mechanical factors

                d. Static perspective vs Dynamic perspective

                e. Profit vs Income

                f. Consumer vs Producer

4. Swimming systematics

                a. Characterization of the swimming modality

                b. Institutional framework / Regulations

                c. Study of cases integrated in models of sports activities

5. Active principles of pure swimming

                a. Mechanical factors applied to pure swimming

                b. Stroke amplitude and frequency ratio

                c. Mediate and immediate goals of pure swimming

6. Operationalization of concepts and instruments in the management of pure swimming sport activity

                a. Case studies (career plan)

                b. Conceptual laboratory in performance optimization

                c. Specialization vs Early Stimulation


  • Evaluations


Almada, F., Fernando, C., Lopes, H. & Vicente, A. (2011). A Expedição ? uma atividade desportiva dos grandes espaços. Edição VML, Torres Novas. ISBN 978-989-95768-0-3.

Almada, F., Fernando, C., Lopes, H., Vicente, A. & Vitória, M. (2008). A Rotura ? A Sistemática das Atividades Desportivas. Edição VML, Torres Novas. ISBN 978-989-95768-1-0

Almada, Monteiro & Lopes, (2001). A Sistemática das Actividades Desportiva, Real: Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.

Barbosa, T., Costa, M., Marinho, D., Queirós, T., Costa, A., Cardoso, L., Machado, J. & Silva A. (2015). Manual de referência FPN para o ensino e aperfeiçoamento técnico em natação. Versão Completa ? Plano estratégico ? 2014/2024. Lisboa: Federação Portuguesa de Natação.

Lopes, H., Fernando, C. & Vicente, A. (2008). Means and Procedures of the Pedagogy in Sport?s Training ? an exemple in Judo. In Book of Abstracts 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science (ECSC). Estoril. pp.387

Maglischo, E. W. (2003). Swimming Fastest. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics

Moreira M. & Peixoto C. (2014). Qualitative Task Analysis to Enhance Sports Characterization: A Surfing Case Study. Journal of Human Kinetics 42, pp. 245-257.

Marinho, D., Machado, J., Silva, A., Costa, A., Costa, M., Santos, C., Barbosa, T., Campaniço, J., Ferraz, R., Viana, B., Pinto, M., Lopes, T., Neiva, H., ? Sousa, A. (2020). Política desportiva FPN ? Natação Pura ? Identificação e desenvolvimento do talento em natação. Plano estratégico ? 2014/2024. Volume 12. Lisboa: Federação Portuguesa de Natação.

Peixoto, C. (1997). Sistemática das Atividades Desportivas. Modelos e Sistemas de Análise do Desempenho Desportivo, Cruz Quebrada: Edições FMH.

Peixoto, C. (2002). A Classificação e a Ciência. As Ciências do Desporto e o Conhecimento. In: Ludens vol nº 17, nº1 Jan/Mar, Ed. CDI-FMH.

Silva, C. (2017). A história da natação portuguesa. Os percursores da natação em Portugal ? dos seus inícios até à implementação da República ? 1910. Volume 7. Lisboa: Federação Portuguesa de Natação.

Silva, A., Marinho, D., Machado, J., Campaniço, J., Gil, M., Costa, M., ? Barbosa T. (2016). Política desportiva FPN ? Natação Pura. Plano estratégico ? 2014/2024. Volume 8. Lisboa: Federação Portuguesa de Natação.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Frequency - 50%

Group Work - 20%

Oral Presentation - 20%

Continuous Assessment - 10%