Subject: Swimming III

Scientific Area:



76 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

- Master and apply the basic knowledge of swimming.
- Characterize and define the functioning of the structure of pure swimming in Portugal and its competitive programs and sports training.
- Identify and understand the national and international regulations of pure swimming, as well as the process of affiliation and registration in competitions.
- Show ability to observe and analyze actions in the aquatic environment.
- Analyze the technique and select technical exercises with a view to correcting it.
- Analyze the swimming, turning and starting technique of different styles in a training or competition situation, focusing on the main components and objectives.
- Apply the underlying mechanical principles to the development of swimming efficiency in different techniques.
- Identify the most common injuries in pure swimming and know how to implement prevention strategies.
- Identify and describe the types of balance existing in the aquatic environment, relating to the factors that influence these balances.


A) Institutional Framework/ Regulations

1) Institutional Framework of Pure Swimming

a) the structure


ii. Portuguese Swimming Federation

iii. Territorial associations

iv. Clubs

v. Class associations

b) Competitive programs and sports training

i. Competitive and national training calendar

ii. International competitive and training calendar

iii. Competitive and territorial training calendar


2) Regulations in Pure Swimming

a) Swimming rules

b) Affiliation and registration of clubs/swimmers


B) Biomechanics Applied to Pure Swimming

1) Hydrostatic in Pure Swimming

a) Fluid Mechanics

i. water properties

ii. Density

iii. type of drain
iv. Reynolds Law of Similarity

v. Boundary layer

b) Hydrostatic

i. hydrostatic pressure

ii. Archimedes Principle

iii. Types of static balance in the aquatic environment

iv. Buoyancy and static balance in the human body


2) Hydrodynamics in Pure Swimming

a) Human locomotion in the aquatic environment

i. propulsive efficiency

ii. energy cost

iii. Drag and propulsive force

b) The hydrodynamic drag force

i. brief characterization

ii. main components

iii. Application in the field of swimming

c) Propulsion

i. brief characterization

ii. Explanatory theories of the propulsive mechanism in water

iii. Application in different gestures in pure swimming


C) Technique Analysis and Evaluation

1) Kinesiological Analysis in Pure Sport Swimming

a) Elements involved in the different techniques of swimming, starting and turning
b) Kinesiological analysis and injury

2) Technique Assessment

a) Evaluation of Pure Swimming techniques (start, swim, turns)

3) Test Analysis

a) Analysis and evaluation of the test

b) Practical application


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Louro, H., Garrido, N., Ferraz, P., Marinho, D., Conceição, A., Neto, J., Tolentino, T., Barbosa, T. & Silva, A. (2009). As técnicas simultâneas em natação pura desportiva: Modelo Biomecânico, Modelo Técnico, Modelo de Ensino. Minas Gerais: Unimontes.

Maglischo, E. (2003). Swimming Fastest. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Silva, A., Marinho, D., Machado, J., Campaniço, J., Gil, M., Costa, M., ? Barbosa T. (2016). Política desportiva FPN ? Natação Pura. Plano estratégico ? 2014/2024. Volume 8. Lisboa: Federação Portuguesa de Natação.

Valdivielso, F., Ureña, G. & Vegas, M. (2012). Cómo nadar bien. Madrid: EDITEC RED.

Assesssment methods and criteria: