Subject: Environmental Sustainability

Scientific Area:

Environment Sciences


51 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the importance of Environmental Sustainability.
2 - To know the relationship between Man and the Environment.
3 - Understand the importance of water and air quality for humanity and for environmental balance.
4 - Know the implemented procedures that aim at the treatment of drinking water, as well as waste water.
5 - Understand the environmental and human implications of noise pollution.
6 - Understand the importance of soil conservation.
7 - Understand the importance of the treatment and conditioning of solid urban waste as well as good practices in the use of energy.
8 - Know the environmental monitoring measures in terms of fauna and flora.
9 - Know the environmental legislation, rules and regulations relevant to the training area in question.
10 - Know the environmental impacts of tourist activities and ways to minimize them.
11 - Understand the importance of assessing the environmental impact of ecotourism activities.


1 - Fundamental concepts in Environmental Sustainability.
2 - Introduction to the problems resulting from the interaction between Man and the Environment.
3 - Water resource management
3.1 - Pollution and scarcity of water resources.
3.2 - Good practices in the management of water resources.
4 - Air quality.
4.1 - The degradation of air quality.
4.2 - Good practices in air quality management.
5 - Noise pollution.
5.1 - Pollution sources and main effects.
5.2 - Ways to mitigate noise pollution.
6 - Soils and deforestation.
7 - The problem of invasive species.
8 - Waste management.
9 - Good energy saving and efficiency practices.
10 - The assessment and mitigation of environmental impacts in ecotourism activity.
11 - The standards, regulations and legislation related to environmental quality.


Robertson, J. , 2007 , Transformar a Economia. Desafio para o Terceiro Milénio. Cadernos Schumacher para a Sustentabilidade , Edições Sempre-em-Pé. Águas Santas.
Girardet, H. , 2007 , Criar Cidades Sustentáveis. Cadernos Schumacher para a Sustentabilidade , Edições Sempre-em-Pé. Águas Santas
Boada, M. y Toledo V. M. , 2003 , El Planeta Nuestro Cuerpo. Colecção La Ciencia para Todos , México. Edição FCE, SEP, CONACYT
Yarrow, J. , 2008 , Como Reduzir a sua Pegada de Carbono , Editorial Estampa. Lisboa
Chambers, N.; Simmons, C. & Wackernagel, M- , 2007 , Sharing Nature's Interest - Ecological Footprints as an indicator of sustainability , Edição Earthscan. London
Rodrigues, J , 2006 , Sociedade e Território- Desenvolvimento Ecologicamente Sustentado , Profedições. Porto
Abrantes, I. (Coord.) , 2008 , Manual Prático para a Gestão Ambiental , Edição Verlag Dashofer Portugal. Lisboa
Stern, N. , 2009 , O Desafio Global , Esfera do Caos. Lisboa
Cardoso, M.F.C. , 1976 , Poluição do Meio Ambiente , Livraria Almedina. Coimbra
Cunha, F. M. (Coord.) , 2007 , Manual Prático para a Gestão de Resíduos , Edição Verlag Dashofer Portugal. Lisboa

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
One test (with no minimum grade and which can be recovered on appeal) that corresponds to 50% of the final grade. An oral test (presentation) whose minimum score is 9 (cannot be recovered on appeal) which corresponds to 25% of the final grade. A written work whose minimum score is 9 (cannot be recovered on appeal) which corresponds to 25% of the final grade.