Joaquim Amândio Rodrigues Azevedo
- Performance Evaluation of Directional Antennas in ZigBee Networks under NLOS Propagation Conditions, Joaquim A. Azevedo e Filipe E. Santos, 2079-9292, Electronics, 2022, 17
- A More Efficient Technique to Power Home Monitoring Systems Using Controlled Battery Charging, Joaquim A. Azevedo e Filipe E. Santos, 1996-1073, Energies, 2021, 17
- Measurement of Water Level in Urban Streams under Bad Weather Conditions, Joaquim A. Azevedo e João André Brás, 1424-8220, Sensors, 2021, 17
- Ambient Temperature Estimation Using WSN Links and Gaussian Process Regression, Sofia I. Inácio, Sofia e Joaquim A. R. Azevedo, 978-3-030-20521-8, International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN 2019): Advances in Computational Intelligence, 2019, 11
- Remote Precipitation Monitoring Using a Microwave Link, S. I. Inácio, F. Santos, J. A. R. Azevedo, 2019 5th Experiment Conference ('19), 2019, 5
- A Video Surveillance System for Fire and Flash Floods Detection, S. I. Inácio, J. A. R. Azevedo, International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Applications (ICBEA), 2018, 6
- Influence of Meteorological Parameters in the Received Signal of a 2.4 GHz Wireless Sensor Network, S. I. Inácio, J. A. R. Azevedo, 978-1-78561-969-4, Proceedings of The Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC 2018), 2018, 6
- Wireless Biomedical Sensor Networks: A technology review, Eduardo Freitas, Amândio Azevedo, Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Biosciences (JBEB), 2018, 10
- A model to estimate the path loss in areas with foliage of trees, Joaquim A. Azevedo e Filipe E. Santos, International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU), 2017, 5
- Adapted Raised Cosine Window Function for Array Factor Control with Dynamic Range Ratio Limitation, Filipe E. S. Santos, Joaquim A. R. Azevedo, 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), 2017, 5
Current Duties
- Director of the Degree in -