Maria Benedita Prado de Almada Cardoso Câmara

Penteada University Campus , Floor 1

(+351) 291 705 033 / 5033

Biographical Notes

Degree in History, Lisbon University (Faculty of Arts and Humanities - 1980)
Master in History of Cultural and Political History/History of Culture (FCSH-UNL - 1986)
PhD Contemporary History, University of Madeira, Department of Modern Languages & Literatures (1998)
Aggregation, University of Madeira, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Management and Economy (2007)
The research focuses the study of the evolution of Madeira global business, in particular the Madeira wine industry and embroidery industries, and the role played by the government in that process. The publications are in the field of business history in journals such as Business History, or in the field of history of institutions in journals like Continuity and Change, and Análise Social; as well as books published by Routledge, Berhghahn, and Instituto de Ciencias Sociais, Lisbon.


- A Mercantilist Brand: The British East India Company and Madeira Wine, 1756?1834, Benedita Câmara, Teresa da Silva Lopes, Robert Fredona, ISSN 0007, Business History Review, 98 (1) Spring, 2024, 38

- Remittances in old wine casks: the East India Madeira Wine, Leonor Costa e Benedita Câmara, Annual Congress of the European Business History Association, EBHA 2024, 2024

- Remittances in old wine casks: the East India Madeira Wine, Leonor Costa e Benedita Câmara, Annual Congress of the European Business History Association, EBHA 2024, 2024

- «Port Wine and Madeira Wine (1932-1933 and 1940-1972): a different path to the Appellation of Controlled Origin (A.O.C.) system» Marcas e Denominações de origem: História e Identidade, Benedita Câmara, 978-989-8970-53-4, CITCEM Universidade do Porto, 2023 1

- A Mercantilist Brand: The British East India Company and Madeira Wine, 1756-1834, Benedita Câmara, Teresa da Silva Lopes and Robert Fredona, 2044-768X, Business History Review, 2023, 38

- The opportunities and difficulties of Madeira wine merchants in the Orient, Benedita Câmara, II Congress Globalization and Growth in the History of East and Southeast Asia (, 2023

- (in)Sustentabilidades, (in)Sustentabilidades XLI Encontro da APHES, 2022

- The British East India Company as a ?Hydra Brand?: The Case of Madeira Wine, Benedita Câmara; Teresa da Silva Lopes, Robert Fredona,, 2022

- The British East India Company as a Hydra Brand?: The Case of Madeira Wine", Benedita Camara, Teresa da Silva Lopes, Robert Fredona, Business History in Times of Disruption: Embracing Complexity and Diversity || Historia empresarial en tiempos de incertidumbre: acogiendo la complejidad y la diversidade, 2022

- Regulation and the Evolution of the Madeira and Port Wine Industries until the 1970s, Benedita Câmara, REGIONAL TRADEMARKS/DESIGNATIONS OF ORIGIN IV MARCAS REGIONAIS/DENOMINAÇÕES DE ORIGEM IV, 2021

Academic Qualifications

- Master Degree in História Cultural e Política, 1986, Universidade Nova de Lisboa/Fac. Ciências Sociais e Humanas