Subject: Visual Arts Laboratory I

Scientific Area:



80 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Acquire knowledge that allows the experimentation and manipulation of the materials and techniques, that contribute to develop na artistic language of individual expression.
2 - Show creative and inventive spirit, through the practice of research and experimentation with some of the main Visual Arts techniques, articulated with other processes and technologies.
3 - Present pertinent solutions in the use and combination of techniques, materials and supports.
4 - Reveal the expressive potential of different two-dimensional and mixed practices.
5 - Apply knowledge about artists' proposals through their works.


1 - The visual languages
1.1 - Two-dimensional language and three-dimensional language and their interrelationships.
1.2 - The specificity of the two-dimensional languages.
1.3 - Drawing as structure and process: previous studies, decision making and final result.
1.4 - Color tests.
1.5 - From "medium-specific" to the hybridization of media.
2 - Materials and techniques
2.1 - The different materials and media: characteristics and use. Drawing media; Paints; Pigments; others. Hybrid processes.
2.2 - Methods of application of materials and techniques in various bases.
2.3 - Collage as an experimental strategy of appropriation and combination of heterogeneous media.
3 - Media
3.1 - Material and immaterial media. The medium and the visual field. The dimension of medium: uses and results.
3.2 - Hybrid media ("Collage-Montage", "merz paintings", "Proun", "combine paintings" and others).
4 - The two-dimensional representation in an approach of visual experimentation.


Adamson, Glenn & Bryan-Wilson, Julia , 2016 , Art in the Making : Artists and Their Materials from the Studio to Crowdsourcing. , Thames & Hudson.
Bonham-Carter, Charlotte; Hodge, David , 2009 , The Contemporary Art Book. , Goodman Fiell
John Gage , 1999 , Color and Meaning. Art, Science and Symbolism , Thames & Hudson.
Wong, Wucius , 2011 , Princípios de Forma e Desenho , Martins Fontes
Aragon, Louis , 2001 , Los colages , Editorial Síntesis
James Elkins , 2000 , What Painting Is , Routledge
Henri Focillon , 1988 , A Vida das Formas , Edições 70
V. Breuvart , 2002 , Vitamin P. New Perspectives in Painting , Phaidon Press

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Expositive method and demonstrative method related to the multiple aspects, both expressive and technical, of the subject. Methodology of practical experimentation. In this contexto, It will be given the basic knowledge of the techniques and equipment inherent to the laboratory practice and the visualization of exemplifying material, providing the student with: - Exercises and Work proposals that lead to the experimentation of the topics stated in the program (none of which will exceed 50%). - Encouragement to research on the subjects under study, using bibliographical recommendations in specific areas (research work: 10%). - Study visits to temporary or permanent exhibitions that fit the themes under study. Periodic evaluation: presentation and discussion in class of practical exercises using various materials, techniques and supports leading to an experimental domain in the two-dimensional scope. Continuous assessment: development of class work during the semester (5% to 10%).

Subject Leader:

Sabela Rial Zamudio