Subject: Complementary Studies of Art History

Scientific Area:

Art Sciences


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the key issues and concepts of Art History as a human science.
2 - Analyse the technical and aesthetic characteristics, of each period in study and major regions, focusing on the physical, social, cultural, political, economic and religious context.
3 - Provide the debate of ideas about motivations and function of art, factors (material and intellectual) and constraints of their historical development.
4 - Promote research in the context of the historiography of art.


1 - Theories of Art History
1.1 - Main currents of thought (historical evolution of the historiography of art).
1.2 - Basic Concepts of history and art history. .
2 - The classical paradigm:
2.1 - The Legacy of Ancient Greece.
2.2 - The Roman grandeur.
3 - Demystifing The Middle Ages:
3.1 - The High Middle Ages and the birth of Europe. Romanesque art.
3.2 - The Late Middle Ages and the triumph of Gothic style.
4 - The rebirth of classical ideals:
4.1 - Italian trecento and Quattrocento.
4.2 - Flemish art
5 - Extensions and deviations from the classical paradigm
5.1 - From Renaissance to Mannerism. Rupture and continuity.
5.2 - From the Baroque to Rococo. Painting genres and the individual style.


ARGAN, Giulio Carlo e FAGIOLO, Maurizio , 1994 , Guia de História da Arte , Estampa
AA. VV. , 2010 , A Nova História da Arte de Janson. A Tradição Ocidental. , Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
CHÂTELET, Albert e GROSLIER, B. Philippe , 1990 , História da Arte Larousse , Civilização
HUYGHE, René , 1986 , Sentido e Destino da Arte , Edições 70
BATTISTI, Eugenio , 1984 , Renascimento e Maneirismo , Lisboa, Verbo
SHEARMAN, John , 1978 , O maneirismo , S. Paulo, Cultrix
TAPIÈ, Victor , 1988 , Barroco e Classicismo , Lisboa, Presença
FOCILLON, Henri , 1993 , A Idade Média Românica e Gótica , Estampa
SHEFOLD, karl , 1986 , Grécia Clássica , Verbo

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Combination of the following methods: - explanatory and explanatory method. - dialogical method. - active method. Assessment Methods: 1 - Periodic assessment: 2 MINI-TESTS throughout the semester (50%) and 2 short oral presentations (40%) - Continuous assessment (10%): attendance, participation in class and extracurricular activities of the semester.