Subject: Research in Education I

Scientific Area:



63 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Knowing the research objectives in education and ethical and epistemological underlying issues.
2 - Identifying the steps of a research process.
3 - Knowing and using different data collection instruments.
4 - Knowing the research paradigms in education and its features.
5 - Using quantitative methods.
6 - Formulating hypotheses and define variables.
7 - Making correlational studies.
8 - Checking the validity and reliability of measurement instruments.
9 - Knowing and use sampling techniques.
10 - Making the statistical analysis of quantitative data.


1 - Introduction to scientific thought: fundamental concepts
2 - The quantitative research process in education: scientific problems, assumptions, plans, data collection instruments, data analysis techniques and interpretation of results
3 - Quantitative research lines: main characteristics, strengths and weaknesses
4 - Criteria for choosing a scientific line due to problem of studying
5 - The validity of scientific research: the internal and external validity of scientific studies
6 - Faithfulness of scientific research
7 - Quantitative instruments for data collection: variety, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each
8 - Sampling techniques
9 - Ethics in conducting an research
10 - The literature review: main sources
11 - The test of the hypothesis and its relationship with descriptive and inferential statistics
12 - The writing of a scientific report.


ARY, D., JACOBS, L., SORENSEN, C. , 2010 , Introduction to Research in Education , Belmont, USA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning
BELL, J. , Como realizar um projecto de investigação: Um guia para a pesquisa em ciências sociais e da educação , Gradiva
COUTINHO, C. , 2011 , Metodologia de investigação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas: Teoria e prática , Edições Almedina
FORTIN, M.-F. , 2003 , O Processo de Investigação: da concepção à realização , Lusociência
MARCONI, M., LAKATOS, E. , 2003 , Fundamentos de Metodologia Científica , São Paulo: Editora Atlas S.A.
SILVA, C. , 1994 , Estatística Aplicada à Psicologia e Ciências Sociais , McGraw-Hill
Investigação em Educação , 2005 , SOUSA, A. , Livros Horizonte
Research Methods - The Basics , 2011 , WALLIMAN, N. , USA and Canada: Routledge

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Will be referred to oral exposure, the debate based on slide projection,reading short texts and the discussion group and plenary. In addition to participating in classroom activities that will be accounted for 10% of the final grade, students must submit a research project focused on the use of quantitative methodologies performed in group worth 40% and to conduct an individual assessment written test - often it will be worth 50%. The evaluation of students presupposes also a frequency of 75% of classes taught.